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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. I do not care much for Hanna & Aaron. but Tereza & Timur are good. she is one of the hottest girl on RLC right now, and she actually has sex with her partner without hiding from cameras unlike many do nothing girls or those who pretend to masturbate under sheets or by carefully placing themselves in opposite angles.
  2. What I wrote was based on how I feel about her, and my observation. I have very little interest in what goes on in their private life off-camera, that's why I don't take part in any wild speculation that goes on in this forum. and I am definitely not going to judge anyone based on that. obviously every one of us looks at things differently, so I understand that you might not feel the same about her and that's fine. I like to see the good in others πŸ˜‰
  3. I remember when Ariana joined RLC on Sep 14, 2020. She looked amazing lying on her bed in a schick white dress and she was on her phone talking to some guy in English. I was drawn by her passionate conversation and her rare natural beauty. Since then I have been tuning in daily to follow her journey on RLC, and she has never failed to put an smile on my face, whether when she was sleeping peacefully on her bed, doing her weird meditation routine, writing stuff on her notebook, putting on her makeups, singing along to songs, getting ready to go out, or just talking animatedly on her phone 😊 During her stay she has always been friendly and kind to the other participants and has been very accommodating to her flatmates. She is a beautiful person, inside and out, and I genuinely wish that she find someone who truly deserves her and can make her dreams come true. Ariana, Thanks for sharing 10 months of your life with us. Have good life sweetheart. πŸ’™ 😍
  4. IMO the first guy had a good shot with Nana if he stayed on the course but he was distracted by every girl that he met, first Vivian, then Elian and finally Tesla πŸ˜„ he acted like a child in a candy shop, the second guy was better at his game, he targeted Elian and focused on her the whole time, I believe he might have had some success if the first guy gave him some privacy πŸ˜„ They are probably a bit disappointed but I can't imagine them being mad, by all mean they had a fun day in the villa with 4 attractive girls, and they have already made plans to meet them again tomorrow at the beach.
  5. Yes, Elian is a naughty girl, I believe she would have done more if Tesla got home earlier or one of the other girls got more involved. In part it was the guys fault too, Nana was having fun and she was getting more comfortable with them but her attitude changed after both guys focused their full attention on Elian and ignored her for good part of the night.
  6. The guy came with Nana, Vivian, and Pam. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording At the beginning it seemed like he was Nana's friend but then he showed more interest in Vivian and later Elian. it's hard to say who was the first point of contact, but it's also possible that Pam has come to know him first through his Spanish BF.
  7. I agree, it was a good day at the Villa. it didn't end in an all out orgy as some expected, but that was always the most likely outcome, real life can be full of disappointments πŸ˜„
  8. looks like it's time up for lovely Ariana πŸ’™ πŸ˜ͺ
  9. The guy has invited his friend to come over. Vivian told him they can stay overnight.
  10. she is staying at B2. she has already got a room assigned to her name.
  11. I don't know, unless Bogdan took them with him, he hasn't arrived at B4 yet.
  12. well, from your first comment it sounds like you are tired of her and can't wait to see her gone. the second comment suggest that you are a big fan and you are enjoying her presence. that's a bit of contradiction.
  13. you are contradicting yourself. so do you want her to stay or leave ? 😁
  14. There were some hot new guest girls in the last night party. the girl with curly hair and the other one with long black hair were quite impressive πŸ‘ I hope we see more of them soon.
  15. yes, they kept repositioning and covering the cam. Scott needs to tell them that they are not allowed to do that.
  16. IMO She is still the prettiest and the most interesting girl on RLC. not sure what you mean by no motivation, what are the other RLC girls doing that Ariana doesn't. She is home most of the times, she is very comfortable with nudity in front of cameras and others, she has good relationship with other participants and she provides sexual contents for those who are interested. furthermore, lets not forget that RLC hasn't been able to find a replacement for Holly yet, and their latest additions have been utterly disappointing. TBH I'll be ok when she eventually decide to leave, but as long as she is here I never get tired of watching her. 😜
  17. you become advanced member after your 100th comment. it doesn't mean anything 😁
  18. not sure what's going on her mind. she has a nice face but her body aint that great IMO. this looks a bit like a dysfunctional apartment now, I'd rather them keeping Oxy and her new lover and kick out this Turbo guy.
  19. I was watching them for a little while earlier, they were lying on the bed. he kissed her legs and belly and then he tried to kiss her lips but she stopped him and moved out of the bed.
  20. I don't think we are talking about the same bird 😁
  21. They have regular sex, and she is taking pregnancy tests every now and then, so it looks like they are trying for a baby. I don't watch them and their sex sessions as I am not a fan so I can't really help you with details.
  22. And I love watching pretty birds πŸ˜ƒ
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