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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Andrew touched Leonie's boob, so Barney had to take her away to safety 😀
  2. Earlier: when Henry went to heaven 😇 And ... Barney ruined it for him 😂
  3. I just do not understand why some CC members treat tenants like babies who need their protection and want to shield them from slightest unpleasant comments. for what I have witnessed, most of tenant are mature, bright individual who have chosen to be on VHTV for their own pleasure and financial gain. Just by signing up to participate in this project they have proven their self confidence and courage is more than most of us here ( living under cameras 24/7 is not an easy thing to do ). I believe they are intelligent enough and can best decide for themselves if they want to read the comments, be active and response or not , take them seriously or not , act on suggestion or ignore them . unfortunately, some CC members are just projecting their own views, moral values, insecurities, hopes and fears onto the tenants, and expect them and other CC members to behave exactly as they desire. another thing that we must consider is, watching VHTV is an entertainment source for us, but it's a job for the tenants and their managers, and they have the right to use every tools available to them to maximise their profit. reading the feedback and suggestion from their target audience can help them to achieve that goal . reading comments after they have already left the project might have some sentimental values but it definitely wont help them to improve their earnings. I am not suggesting, what they need to do, after-all it's their job, their life and their choices, I only hope we can all respect their decision whatever it may be.
  4. do you think they ever going to have threesome?... I hope they do, but I believe it's unlikely.
  5. that guest guy could not be less interested in Piper lol she was lying naked in front of him and he was not even looking at her 😂
  6. by your standard we should never ever leave a feedback or suggestion for anyone, or rate them for what they do, for example if I take my car for repair and I am not happy with the result I can't rate the mechanic and should leave that to his supervisor, or if I go to a restaurant to have a meal, and the waiter is less than helpful, I have no right to express my frustration, and etc. just look around you, in this day and age no one can have business and make money without being evaluated and rated and most businesses welcome it as it helps them to deal with their shortcomings and grow.
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