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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. yes, you are right. I once I saw it in Archive, but when I tried to find it again it was gone. that's just bad luck if it has been lost. I believe it was one of the hottest foursome that happened on VHTV lately.
  2. yeah, sometime the Archive is not up to date or some good moments are not added. I still cant find the videos of clarice&sean and Isa&Bart foursome in C&S 's apartment in the archive
  3. I can't find any scene of this girl in Archive !
  4. is he the guy who had threesome with Darcie & Stifler a while back ?
  5. 100% agree! she does not allow any other male to touch her . she is like a 9/10 & Jacob is 2/10 . He must have some other good qualities to make up for it 😀
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