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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. It's actually a good idea to replace tenants with new one/s when they finally decide to leave the project rather than shutting down the place completely as it normally happens. in this case Capo is a good replacement for Mirana & Bahus.
  2. from what I am gathering the GUY's sex life isn't too bad 😁 he is a lucky man 😜
  3. yeah, but in a good way 😁
  4. definitely more than many others 😁 at least IMO 😉
  5. I meant Nelly's performance, I quite enjoyed it. But yeah, I agree with you, Martina is good. my impression of her is that she is a very warm and kind hearted person 😊
  6. Nelly is playing Violin for Martina in the fitness room. she is good.👍
  7. you can party hard without having to take drugs, try Vodka+redbull, it works pretty well 😄 TBH sometimes they do drugs ( I actually have proof for when it has happened in the past ) and maybe Tesla & Elian had taken something when they were acting crazy ( they said they smoke weed ), but it does not happen every time they go off cam as some people suggest here. it's just stupid speculation by some. are you actually comparing scientific facts with some shitheads' speculations here ? 😂
  8. I am not saying it's not possible, yes, there have been some proven cases in the past. but that's definitely not true for everyone and every single time that they go out. it's so ridiculous that even when they go out to get some grocery there is always some assholes who suggest they have gone to meet with clients. unless there is a proof, it's worthless speculation. people's imagination runs wild and they speculate what they like to believe and it's disgusting.
  9. I never said they didn't, I just say that we DO NOT KNOW and there is no proof for it. it's like whenever an RLC girl dresses up and goes out some assholes suggest that they have gone to see their clients, is it possible ?!? it could be, but is it fact ?!? NO. everyone is innocent until proven guilty. you can't just accuse people of doing something based on speculations.
  10. They told the Irish guy that they smoke weeds. They could be taking other drugs as well, but since we can't see it, it's just worthless speculation, and I hate it when people go on and on about something that they have no proof for it.
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