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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. that guest lady could be a friend of Milly, she must be about the same age as her 😃
  2. Exactly, no one needs to see that trouble maker. 😀 It'd be a shame if this apartment goes down because of him
  3. Just kick the "chinese looking guy" out, and keep the hottie 😀
  4. Some people are better to take part in the project as guests. there has to be at least one responsible adult in each apartment, and clearly there was no one reliable in this place just like at Still's .
  5. could be meeting her boyfriend. 🤷‍♂️
  6. what she was wearing was Yuna's. her own clothes are still there. she has to come back at some point 😀
  7. she was talking on the phone a few minutes ago, she could have popped out to meet someone.
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  9. I think this is the first time Holly hanging out with Ariana without Megan. this could be interesting 😜
  10. oh, once again you are here to bitch and whine about a voyeur site that you are not a member of, and talk shit about people who you don't watch. VERY SAD 🤣 such a sad life you have 😁
  11. In a perfect world everything would go as it's supposed to, but we don't live in a perfect world. in real life people break the rules and do things out of spite. she was obviously doing that to piss off the viewers, as she took another shower within an hour of the cam covering incident and this time she blocked the view using doors and her jacket. it was kind of funny to watch. you just try too hard to find fault with everything.
  12. so mind your own business, instead of complaining non stop. if you don't like something just fucking stop watching it instead of whining like a little kid.
  13. The guest girl has done a plastic surgery on her boobs which as we know is not cheap, so I don't think she is as poor as everyone likes to believe. she might be just acting out as a teenager.
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