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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Or they are number 1 because they are fucking and people like to watch them 🤷‍♂️ it works either way 😃
  2. The fact that Holly's guy showed up early morning ( I think between 5-6 am ), might suggest he has traveled by air. He could have come from Ukraine.
  3. TBH I don't think they have that much interest in the project.
  4. LOL I am not for it or against it. people use drug whether I like it or not. it is what it is. 😉 and thanks , Happy new year to you too 😊
  5. yeah, I get that. you are fascinated by drug use as you make so many comments about it every time there is a party. everyone understand what's going on, it's not a real discovery 😄
  6. It could be his or Curly's. it really doesn't matter though, if anyone wants to use drugs, they'll find a source.
  7. It happens a lot, people get high to have fun, and sometimes they end up having sex ( one night stand ). I don't see anything wrong with it as long as they are both consenting adults.
  8. we don't know who supplied the drugs. but that's their choice if they want to use drugs, they are all adults. and he is just a boy who wants to have fun, very normal for his age. perhaps you just need to take a chill pill. 😉
  9. He only fucked Olivia and then he had a drunken sex with Mimi. I don't think he managed to fuck anyone else.
  10. He is not a bad guy, he is rather good looking and as far as I remember he was always nice to Olivia when he was with her. The only weakness that he had was letting B2 girls Humiliating him for their shows.
  11. they were using the bathroom in the hallway by the living room most of the times. And they were most probably taking some drugs. I just don't see what the big deal is. it happens in parties like this one all the times. As long as they are clever enough to keep it off camera it's ok.
  12. it would not happen, the only thing the B2 girls are interested in is fake shows and click bait.
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