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Everything posted by Catmaster

  1. Martina & Alberto got new neighbours.
  2. Voyeur Hub has been updated, and new couples are online now, too. https://voyeurhub.com/
  3. Yes, of course, but normally you already have your fundus of winter clothes, and you'd bring them in, if you need them. You may buy the one or another new piece. But buying an entire set of winter clothes for a woman at once is pretty expensive. Do you think, she has that much money?
  4. If this suitcase in the living room is all she brought in, I guess it's just 3 months. For a longer period Kaley would need some winter clothes.
  5. Where does Luna go? Back to the Cathouse?
  6. OMG, a dream came true! Kaley was one of my very favourites during the Moscow era. Now only Rita is missing. I know, there is a huge Rita fan here on CC, who renewed his membership everytime, Rita came back to RLC. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
  7. Kira left a video message on VHTV as her farewell to her fans. What did she say...in which language?
  8. Now: dance lessons in the livingroom. Baila baila, baila, baila....baila, baila, baila me!💃🕺
  9. Former lesbian couple from Russia Nina & Kira went after the closing of the Russian apartments to VHTV. Now they left VHTV yesterday, because Kira became a mum. That's a classic reason to leave a project like RLC or VHTV. I just saw on VHTV, that Nina & Kira have left VHTV. Firstly I hoped they might come back to RLC, but then I saw in this forum, that Kira has given birth to a baby boy. I wish all the best to these lovebirds, and hope they will become a happy family. Farewell!
  10. It was so clear, that Holly & Thor would change to B5. It's done!
  11. New girl Ailey moved into the Doghouse. Only one girl in the room, 2 girls have lived in before.
  12. In their last apartment, C&Y always had lots of visitors. I'm looking forward for it!
  13. After having lesbian couples on RLC there were rumours, that a gay couple might follow soon. But it hasn't yet. On VHTV the had / have gay couples and trans people, but it wasn't too successful, I think.
  14. Alice & Will have joined in as the third couple. I'm not sure, if they once were on RLC?
  15. What plans? It is a lively apartment. Many parties took place there. They should keep it! We need 2 new couples, who are getting along well and bring in some friends for parties. Any better suggestions?
  16. Does anyone remember a RLC couple called Alice & Will? They might have been in Barcelona or in the newer Russian apartments with with the 2 couples mode. Now they are new on Voyeur Hub.
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