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Everything posted by Catmaster

  1. In Spain there was a quite well uptake of the covid vaccine, because the people largely believe in their health service. After vaccination the claimed they right of free living again. There are supposed to be many undercover parties going on, I've heard.
  2. I'm afraid, the time of the normal couples are gone. That was early RLC.
  3. Who is that girl sleeping in the top level room of The Cathouse / B4 / Villa?
  4. There will be definately some vampire slaying going on in the Cathouse or Barcelona itself. Buffy said...
  5. I found this website. It seems like real apartments all over the world with webcams in. Who knows more?
  6. The transfer is now complete. B1 has reopened again. The master bedroom in the Cathouse is officially vacant, but there are still - or again - clothes lying around.
  7. ...so what is this Crazy House that came up on VHTV today?

    1. StnCld316


      I will look after it.


  8. If this will be the case, the twins will of course take the master bedrood. They always did it, when in B1. And they never had seperate bedrooms. They are sisters.
  9. A couple of years ago, the found a possible headquarter of RLC in Ireland.
  10. The news on RLC said, they have left the project, not B1 is on pause for a couple of days.
  11. I hope B! will reopen again with new girls. In B4 are still vacant beds. Maybe we will see some now ex B1 girls there.
  12. Maybe Masha wants to meet with desperate Nelly & Bogdan. They are good friends. Where in Barcelona are they living? Obviously not (yet?) in a RLC location anymore.
  13. A certain "Nude House" just went online on VHTV.

    1. StnCld316


      I'll look after it.


  14. Why Berlin? Just for tourism...or a guy...or a first apartment of RLC in Berlin?
  15. I remembered Angelina, too, on her first anniversary of her passing. A very sad moment. Her mother released a heartbreaking post on instagram remembering her beloved daughter. Several very kind replies followed...including mine. 🙏 I also looked more detailed over her instagram account and realized again, what a wise soul she already was at her young age. Maybe she became a real angel now...
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