Not handjob...he jerked himself off and came on her stomach. She just held him while he was doing it. Seems like she was throwing herself at him all morning in bed and he kept resisting.
They do have a jigsaw puzzle that I've seen them work on together in the spare bedroom (Camera 8). I appears to be about 70% complete.
She does masturbate under the covers, face down. She did it again this morning for a short time (Daniel did not sleep home last night). It's the third time I've seen her do it and I don't even really watch them that much.
To me it seems that they just do not make a connection with the viewers. They are a good looking couple and have good sex, but they don't seem like they're entirely comfortable with being on camera all day. They appear hard edged to me, for lack of a better description, and it's hard to warm up to them.
My two cents, anyway.
Thanks Leora. That was a great masturbation session in the shower.
I thought she was going to bate during her first shower, then while she was lying i bed, then during her bath, then when she was lying in bed again. Finally during the second shower she went at it. It seemed like it was for the cameras at first, then she definitely got into it. Good stuff.