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Everything posted by franklin

  1. FFS. Clearly anything more than a week and she's scared it'll heal up.
  2. Day 2 of the monumental freeze out. Asia still sitting it out in the guest room, and Mr. B playing it cool but clearly rattled by the extended display of contempt from Asia. It's maintenance day today, so who will break first? My guess is that it will be the apartment windows if Asia keeps practising her scales. Watch your screens for the next exciting episode.
  3. One thing's for sure, unless they kiss and make up (as a couple, FWBs, apartment sharers, or whatever), this apartment's days are numbered.
  4. Still haven't had time to watch the replay, but see that Asia is still mightily pissed off with Mr B, even after sleeping on it. She's played the "I'm telling you there's nothing wrong and I'm going to give you the silent treatment until you've used your mind-reading powers to know exactly what it is" card and failed because he's having none of it. Why do women in a bad mood always assume men have the gift of telepathy? I reckon it'll be guilt-sex later today unless Asia has a higher plan.
  5. Well, fuck me. I go away for the weekend and something interesting happens. A couple of weeks ago, Mr Boombastic was complaining that Camo "bury-me-in-a-Y-shaped-coffin" Girl had blocked his mobile phone, and now she's back again? She's clearly getting something from him that she ain't getting elsewhere. And now Asia is pissed off with him - discovery of more clues to his shenanigans or has he just been ignoring her as usual? I'll have to catch up on Replay.
  6. It would be good to see this apartment used in rotation for all the off-cam Russian residents until the issues about live-cam streaming are sorted out there. I'd like to think that this is RLC's way of keeping them in touch with the project even if it is just for a limited time.
  7. This is getting weird. Asia lovingly watching Mr B shave his beard off, civil conversation, caring, sharing... If they start behaving any more like a couple they'll end up becoming a couple.
  8. I'm finding this new "lovey-dovey" attitude of Mr B a bit hard to work out. He and Asia seem to be acting more like a couple and the amount of quality time they spend together in and apparently out of the apartment has risen beyond all expectation. There's got to be a twist in the story-line somewhere! "Has Hakeem been blown away by his lovers? Has he turned over a new leaf and become a decent bloke? Is Asia really a witch, and added a sex-drive reducing potion to Hakeem's drinks? Watch this week's exciting episodes to find out!....."
  9. This apartment has become unpredictable once again, with both Asia's and Mr B's work schedules changed. I suppose the only predictable event now is Asia's weekly loss of virginity to the resident c**t. Tune in tomorrow. On a more perky note, Asia's boobs are looking truly fine today. 😋
  10. 14.25 and that's that. It was pleasure to see Mr B meet his match! Chubby Girl countered every single argument and move he made like a fucking cock-blocking expert. I doubt we'll be seeing much of her though. Mr B suggested she come after work but she said that if she was to do that she'd have to leave some of her stuff in the apartment because she wasn't going to leave work, go back to her place out of town, then travel back in for 8pm. Mr B was having none of that, of course! Might be a good thing as Chubby Girl is built for comfort rather than speed and the sofa creaked alarmingly every time she sat down.
  11. 12.31 - it begins... and five minutes later it ends with nothing. She's not having any of his bullshit. 😂
  12. And now they're having the "I do trust you, but...." conversation. A lot calmer now. Let's see how long it takes before Mr B makes his move.
  13. You're right. She's the sort you really don't want to meet in a dark alley off the Bigg Market on a Saturday night.
  14. Hey Naga - I reckon she's really from Scotswood - same fighting spirit.
  15. Whoa, she's feisty! Heated conversation with Mr B and she's holding her ground. Seems work-related. "Chubby Girl" is a work colleague, perhaps? This girl is no pushover - she's not letting Hakeem get a word in edge-ways! I'm not sure his seduction technique is going to work this time. Another gripping episode of the soap opera...
  16. What the merry fuck?!!!!! 10.30 in the morning and another girl who "makes the rockin' world go round". American accent again but music too loud to hear what they're saying clearly. Mr B has done a total sanitise of the apartment this time - no trace of Asia in any rooms.
  17. Exactly right. I remember that conversation well, and it continued afterwards when they discussed their first experience. At that time, a few days before he brought Camo Girl back for an afternoon's shag-fest, he showed real concern for Asia and I thought "what a nice guy!". Boy, was I wrong!
  18. Still not as many as he'll be called when Asia finally confronts him about his wandering dick.
  19. I remember now - it was Carla and Mario that had the disagreement with RLC and started holding notes up to the cameras to communicate with viewers, basically saying goodbye. The apartment went into maintenance mode for a while, but both Carla and Mario returned for a short time more, then gone for good. But here she is again, looking in better shape but over-inked. Pleased to see the back of Mario, though.
  20. After very difficult negotiations with Russian contacts, I've managed to obtain a copy of the RLC script given to Belle for her to follow during her stay in the apartment. It is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL so NO SHARING outside this forum.
  21. Asia booked herself in for her service today. Old Boombastic wanted to watch a movie but Asia insisted on "making love". Off to the bedroom for the usual routine they go with one interesting twist - Mr B asked if she might consider going bareback... "You want a condom?" Anyway, condom it was. Missionary again, one exclamation of "that's so deep!" and it ended with a discussion about Asia's dandruff and Mr B wanting to dye his hair red. You couldn't script this stuff, really.
  22. A welcome development. Let's hope Asia gets the confidence to bring more friends back to apartment and break the hold that Mr B has on her.
  23. Come on, Ze - she's singing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order. * * (c) Morecambe & Wise 1971
  24. 15.35 and Asia is restless. She's been unusually busy tidying up, rearranging stuff, exercising and pacing around the apartment very expectantly. Maintenance day is not scheduled until tomorrow so I wonder if Mr B will be home early after his weekend playtime? Wouldn't it be good if she was anticipating a visit from her own bit on the side? It would be nice to see her enjoying the attention of someone who gave her the respect that's long overdue.
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