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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. I thought Wednesday was the chick with huge tits who was in the apartment with T&T for so long with her husband with the mustache? Isn't this girl just a friend of Nelly's who visits often? I don't think she's ever been an official "participant".
  2. I will say that translation of the multiple languages experienced on RLC is not part of the paid sub. Personally, I wish it was. Some may find it "seductive" as you say to not understand the conversations, but for me, it's purely aggravating. If the videos had translations on the screens, we would know infinitely more than we currently do about what's going on with any of them. Sadly, I highly doubt we will ever see anything like that for many reasons. Tell ya what though, if the "premium" sub offered that, I think it would SERIOUSLY be worth the money and would probably get a score of subs just for that feature.
  3. Indeed. Granted, I'm certainly aware that they will EVENTUALLY leave, but as someone stated a little while back, it makes more sense to dump RLC after finishing college. In the next two weeks we will see what happens.
  4. True, but mostly those who resided in multiple locations and had much bigger ties/relationships to a wide number of participants. It is indeed possible though.
  5. I've got a theory. Just THEORIES mind you. What IF... nothing is changing? What IF... they haven't broken up, she's not leaving, he's not leaving, and GF4 is/was just a side piece like Nelly? Alberto has just been witnessed naked with naked Martina in the shower, sleeping naked in the same bed, and kissing Martina.. on the cheek, but regardless, atypical of a couple who has "broken up". No packing even started or even planning to be started as it appears. Only thing that doesn't track is they're sex life has completely dropped to zero. That's the only thing I see lending to a break-up or her being "done" with him and moving on. I realize fully that these THEORIES are far and beyond smacking a hornets nest with a stick here... they're in league with knocking it down and giving it a swift kick, but there they are. Let loose the retaliation, but keep in mind, I don't state these opinions as facts, just observations and theories. Aaaaand 'kick'! 🤣
  6. Whether that happens or not, when they leave this apartment, I doubt we'll ever see or hear from either of them again.
  7. Martina home with swag from Ma & Pa Farm de Barcelona. Stepping up her schooling? I didn't think that's where she's been going to classes all this time.
  8. So, no Martina yet. Something occurred to me recently... Alberto apparently gets his keys to his new house at the end of the month and Martina may be moving out in or around the same time. Unlike most other "tenants", they've been here for a LONG time and have a LOT of stuff. Now, with that timetable in play, I would think that they would be packing it all up very soon to move. I haven't seen any indication of that yet. Just an observation, but I find it curious.
  9. Couple guys... couple girls... wonder if Alberto will finally get his oil changed with another girl on cam? Just not the one in the skirt... yikes. Is the other one Martina's friend? I can't see her clearly.
  10. Well, I did see a ring set with diamonds on her finger. What it actually represents in Barcelona may certainly differ from what it means in the US. I don't recall who actually said that GF4 was married in a post, but I do remember it was mentioned a little while back and there was even a brief commentary back and forth about it. If I'm not remembering all of that correctly, I blame my age and senility! 🤣
  11. GF4? Someone posted that she was married, and it wasn't hard to see the big wedding ring on her finger when she visited the other day for the conversation on the balcony.
  12. From what I've read, their relationship started when she was pretty young, and at the time, it was probably legit. As she discovered her attraction for women, her desire not to be "tied down" probably also grew. It's pretty clear that Alberto won't have an issue with anything she wants to do as long as they stay together, but I think her interest in the male anatomy has diminished to zero, so she no longer sees any reason why she should stay with him. As for GF4, I think the fact that she's married like Nelly, there's the concern that her husband would kill the relationship at some point and repeat the whole cycle again, so she won't allow herself to get overly attached. Just some opinions...
  13. I also doubt GF4 would "lower" her standards to live in this apartment. Given her presumed education and occupation, she likely makes really good money and has a very nice place of her own. Why would she ditch that to live here??
  14. I thought that too at first, but there was a cellphone cover on the end table with the phone and all 3 phones were identical. Not that any of this matters. It was just a random observance.
  15. I saw two on the bed and one on the end table at the same time earlier.
  16. Yes, but unlike so many others, hers are done very well. That doc had skills! Typically, I'm a big opponent for "bolt-ons", but hers are fantastic.
  17. Wonder... why does Ulyana have 3 cellphones? 1. For her pimp/madam/RLC 2. For personal use 3. For her alternate boyfriend, so her first boyfriend doesn't find out?
  18. That's super rare... usually even if it's a good angle, it's under covers.
  19. Not positive, but I think the best/clearest we've seen of her is when she just visited today. I think the only other "sighting" was at a party a while back. I would think the vast majority, if not all of those following her on CC were surprised to see her in the apartment again. Good sign, says I.
  20. Wow, GF4 is pretty hot. Watching those two together would break RLC!
  21. Damn. I'll have to keep checking in on that. Open bate or the under-cover "stealthybate"?
  22. Rachel is delish, but doesn't do anything. Walking around/swimming nude is great with her body, but has anyone seen her rub one out yet?
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