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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Never noticed a door there before. It's not on the map. I suppose it would be there since it's on Karol's floorplan (Cam 14' "Study Room"). They really never go in there though. Obviously no camera in there. Must be packed with stuff... or it soon will be.
  2. By the size of the box.. one of each and a few friends!
  3. What have we here?? HUGE boxes and she's so happy she's humping them! New furniture? I think if the delivery guy knew how HAPPY she was, he might have stuck around for a bit to share her excitement! 🀣
  4. A thousand pardons, my liege! I was under the impression that this forum was the mecca for stupid comments, therefore I thought I was fitting right in. I shall duct tape mittens to my hands so that I can no longer drag this Olympic compendium of knowledge down into the bowels of stupidity. Good day to you.
  5. Well, if Alberto doesn't know about her multiple phones now, he must be blind or REALLY stupid, because they're right there in front of him on the table.
  6. Looks like Martina has 5 phones?!? That's sketchy! Edit... on closer look, looks more like 3 phones. Regardless... why would she need more than one and does Alberto know about ALL of them? πŸ€”
  7. No. I saw that hours ago. It's definitely a wound. WAAAY too big for acne.
  8. Seeing her in the bathroom getting ready, it looks like she hit the corner of something, or something hit her. One corner of the wound is clearly 90 degrees. Wonder if it was another fall? πŸ˜•
  9. What happened to Martina's face under her right eye??? Did Taco do that? πŸ™„
  10. The day she does that without clothes and with the lights on and clear for the cams to see... like nearly every other RLC girl.
  11. Very acrobatic. Looks exhausting... but I'm 50. I wish I still had that energy! πŸ˜…
  12. As for when exactly Martina gets back... she does when I see her walk through the door. I'd certainly prefer it to be tonight rather than Sunday, but it is what it is. πŸ‘
  13. Been here a while and have nearly as many posts under my belt as you (but not quite). That's in no way a negative statement towards you, Yelt, in any way, just to say I'm not a newbie. I only post what I see and don't speculate. I agree that everything off cam is pure speculation, but I also refuse to dive into the sea of arguments that stem from peoples guessing and conjecture, which tend to comprise the vast majority of this forum most days. Ask me, if anyone sees something controversial on cam, they should screen-shot it and post with their report for proof. Old saying... no pic, no proof. Without that, I don't bother paying attention. My 2 cents.
  14. To whom are you referring? Wait... what are the membership requirements for said "exclusive" group? Is there a fee?? πŸ€”πŸ˜€ You gotta know certain people don't you... crap.
  15. No concern whatsoever Yelt, and I agree there shouldn't be any. I just miss seeing her. It's a weakness... I'm fully aware. πŸ˜‰
  16. Well, guess I shouldn't be surprised that there are more than one who believe they know. Not saying that any of the 3 are incorrect, since I certainly have no idea. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to her return. πŸ‘
  17. Wow... I'm gonna be jonesin bad by then! 😬 🀣
  18. I noticed that RLC hasn't bothered to add the little "on vacation till:" icon next to their apartment.
  19. Anyone have a (legitimate) clue as to when our girl will be back? πŸ€”
  20. That's some funny shit right there! Well done Chuck. Nice distraction from all of the bickering.
  21. Why in the seven hells does Martina ever not use the carrot peeler in the drawer??? "Peeling" a carrot like that is extremely dangerous and unnecessary. One of these days, she's gonna flay a finger! πŸ™„
  22. Maybe her lights were out earlier because she's going to town on a wall with a drill for some reason. Wanna bet she didn't check that she is drilling through?!?
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