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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Martina in a tiny little thong swimsuit would suffice! 😉
  2. They need to shock that pool at B7. Looking quite green compared to B4. 😬
  3. Out the door wearing her sexy little under-boob cut out shirt. 😍
  4. Time for her neck hair shaving. Gotta represent! 😜
  5. Taco is home! Stand down DefCon 2! Recall the Atlantic fleet! Abort the bombers! 🤣
  6. That's what I was thinking earlier. My timing was just a bit off. 😜
  7. Well nope. Martina home again without Taco... and back out again.
  8. Nelly getting all ready to go out. Martina came home and took off again. She might be headed for B7 or to meet up with Nelly to hand off Taco.
  9. Agreed DWI. "Soap opera" is a perfect analogy. Not sure if RLC really meant for that to happen rather than the fact that it happened simply because Martina and Alberto are more that TYPE of couple. They are a soap opera compared to the vast majority of the rest. I mean, let's be honest, does anyone give two shits about what any of the unattached strippers in the other locations do off camera? Even the other couples... most are dead weight or boring enough that it's not a second thought. How many have said, "OMG what the hell is Linda or Carla doing out so late??" Closest I've seen is some drama with Leora, Tereza, Wednesday and Kitty (going back a little), and recently even Holly and Thor. They had a little following because they were interesting in that way, but Martina and Alberto are precisely that. We sit on the other end of the camera wondering what this girl is doing after years of watching her and Alberto's relationship, and many of us have been drawn in by the LIFE they live, but just the day to day masturbation shows, stripper training and nude sunbathing. To be frank, I don't think RLC has the brains or forethought to create that scenario. RLC was created for voyeurs like us to be able to view people (mainly women) in a pseudo-lifelike environment doing things we can only fantasize about. I highly doubt they ever sat around a brainstorming table trying to figure out how to draw people in with a relationship rather than just tits and ass. One never knows though, right? 😉 Like I said, this could have been a "business deal" the whole time. I just prefer to think otherwise... and the "soap opera" aspect of their relationship, admittedly, plays greatly into that.
  10. Oh, I expect to be called out, but I do my best to put some bit of logic behind my opinions rather than blindly firing off conjecture to rial people up. I also make it clear that it IS an opinion or speculation rather than what I call and "assumed fact". Because I do not live with them, do not understand their language, and do not see anything off camera, I could be COMPLETELY wrong, just like everyone else. Beyond that, as I've stated before, this forum is 95% speculation for that reason, so if I gotta "join 'em", then I can only try to make it more intelligible. 😉
  11. It's the direction society is going in so many countries. Martina is clearly "BI", but given her proclivity for female contact, I think she far "leans" more lesbian. The seems to enjoy the sex she has with him, but the sex she had with Nelly was in a different galaxy. I don't think he minds that. I do think she loves him and has sex with him for that reason... though it could be just to satisfy the cameras. They've been together so long, the chances it's a relationship of "convenience" or a business "deal" of sorts is certainly possible and the chances could be rising as the time to leave RLC approaches, but I'll blindly hang on to the notion that they're a legit, if not unconventional couple. 🤣 At least until I actually see her hop on another guy.
  12. It was Martina, Alberto, her good friend and her boyfriend. Martina barely looked at the guy and he barely looked at her (he's crazy BTW). There was zero contact between them aside from a boob touch when she had to lean over him. Yeah they were all naked, but we see that here anyway, and he certainly isn't the first other guy to see her naked/topless in person. Actually, Alberto had more cross-contact with Martina's girlfriend than anyone. He helped her put her lingerie on. Seemed more like an experiment and the other guy didn't seem to want much of anything to do with it. As for the odd sleeping arrangements... they still sleep together, but when they don't, I would bet that it's due to their work/school schedules and they wake and leave at odd times, so they do that to not wake each other up.
  13. Simply offering a plausible reason for her going out almost every night, contrary to the speculations that she's out partying every night and screwing other guys. No direct evidence. Actually, in regards to the latter, I firmly believe she loves Alberto, but generally likes women better. So, if she's going to screw around with anyone other than him, it'll be a woman. He doesn't appear to have an issue with that.
  14. Now, it's just my opinion, but specifically regarding these two, I don't think they ever "cared" about the RLC project. From what I've seen after watching them for years now, they were never like the rest of the tenants. They generally lived a "normal" life. Now that they're getting older, and she's in school and he has a job, it's become the priority, like real life. The vast majority of the rest are strippers in training or just using RLC for free housing and to fuck around. I still feel she's out at night a lot because she has a job as a waitress/bartender/hostess of sorts at a bar or restaurant at night while at school during the day. Explains a lot. Especially the about of sleeping during the day. They have opposing schedules and that keeps them apart a lot, but she also wants to have fun when she can. Alberto has never been a party person, which I always thought was an odd match for her, but it is what it is. So, I get that they're a lot more "boring" than many of the others, but they have always been different that way. I super enjoyed Martina's roughly 1 year burst of on-camera sexiness, but that appears to be more like a "last fling" time before the school and work too up so much time. I think their relationship is just fine and hasn't actually changed at all. They seemed closer and more "in touch" when she was home more and had nothing to do. Different ballgame now, but their interactions when they are together are no different. Again, just my take. Likely, they will move on after she graduates or sooner, but like Leora, I think they're a staple here and will leave when THEY decide to.
  15. Everyone is welcome to their own opinions, however consider this... there are 20 locations and 32 girls currently on RLC. Are you saying that Martina and Alberto being here is such a detriment to the site that you feel you have NO OTHER OPTIONS? When I go to a restaurant and look at a menu, I never expect to like EVERY selection offered, and if it so happens that I don't like ANYTHING on the menu, I'll simply LEAVE. There's certainly no benefit from complaining about the items I don't like. The owners simply won't care because it's completely unreasonable. The menu here has just doubled and there's quite a lot to choose from... find one you like and I'm sure you'll be happier there rather than complaining about the one you don't... unless you thrive on the negativity, then it's totally on you. I've said it before... it's such a waste of time and energy to complain about a participant when there's no serious cause. Move on. Also, to be clear... I'm neither defending M/A or condemning them. It's a general statement for ANY of the locations.
  16. Seriously hope neither get hurt or killed. I don't see the attraction to try to outrun in a herd of huge stampeding animals with a pair of daggers attached to their heads. Not sure if they let women run. Never seen a woman run one. Certainly could be wrong. Asinine regardless.
  17. Looks like Alberto is packing for a trip this time. Maybe he is going to Ibiza as suggested earlier. Wonder for how long?
  18. Soooo.... what does "big guy" have run for the apartment at the moment? Taco doesn't need a sitter during the day normally. Did Martina and Alberto go somewhere overnight?
  19. Seriously? MENSA is NOT banging these girls' doors down. High IQ's are not in abundant supply here. 🤣
  20. Zara is doing her makeup, so she'll probably join in, but I think Tani is prepping to go out. Then again, maybe not... she keeps changing outfits, but none have been anything like what's at the party so far.
  21. I appeal once again to this forum to include some sort of head shot picture of each participant along with their name/location, so we know who everyone is. Especially now that RLC even posted TINY pictures with the new members and now that there are SO many. It would be appreciated and I don't believe it would be any breach of conduct here anymore.
  22. Who is... Maid's costume: Dana? High heels with black and purple stripper outfit: Gloria? High heels with all black stripper outfit: Ashley?
  23. Not to say nothing happened (as I was not watching), but i suppose it wasn't TOO bad, since she's happy playing with Taco and hugging/kissing Alberto now. Curious what happened, but now it looks like she's just exhausted. 😴
  24. Wow... I missed her more than I probably should. So damn hot! Love that girl.
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