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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Looks like either Alberto or his buddy got a boom boom stick... long gun... AR/rifle/shotgun. Anyone seen it, or are they yet to unbox it?
  2. Me thinks Martina is sick. Walking around in a daze and taking her temperature. 😕
  3. Jesus she gets some monster facial zits! How unfortunate.
  4. Not sure what those are... but there's no reason to suspect she's moving out or anything.
  5. Looks like Martina's going to be gone for a while... again. Left with a bag.
  6. I'd be interested to know who thought it was amusing. 🤨
  7. Yep, there's Bodgan right where I thought he might be hiding.
  8. Well, Alberto not joining in is pretty common, however, he would have left Martina at B7, and I don't see her. Notably, I also don't see Nelly or Bogdan, although, they could be out on the terrace at the end of the pool by the living room door where there's basically a camera blind spot. With so many lights off, it's hard to see who's outside at all.
  9. Is the shorter haired brunette girl in the kitchen the new girl Adela?
  10. Good bet. Looks like damn near everyone else is there already.
  11. I could place a wager that there's going to be a masquerade party in the future. Alberto just got a mask for something like that. Could be off camera which would suck, and would probably be the big swinging sex swap party that we've been waiting for. ☹️😉🤣
  12. Apparently that didn't satisfy her, so now it's Alberto's turn.
  13. So, from what I gather, the "other guy" had issues and it was "boring". Couple questions... 1. Did they swap or did they not have time before the other guy limped out? 2. Does anyone think they might have swapped if there wasn't a limp noodle in the room? 3. When did her brother show up? I couldn't imagine that HE would be involved in that but after him watching her shower... nothing would really surprise me. 🤣
  14. I'm pissed I missed it even though so many criticized it. I don't recall M&A ever doing anything (on cam) in a group. I would have loved to see them regardless of any issues any of them may have had. Oh well. If anyone has it recorded, PM me and let me know. Looking through the blurry rewind video thumbnails, I only seem to see 1 on 1 action in the bedroom or the guest room. None of them seem to show all 4 at once.
  15. Well, from what I just saw: 1. Wednesday is way more interested in her tablet than Wayne. 2. She likes to be slapped during sex. 3. Alberto has been dethroned as the guy who blows his load the fastest. I think their sex today could be easily counted in SECONDS!
  16. Behind the old couch they find... 7 used rubbers 3 of Nelly's earrings 44 doggie toys 2 vibrators 6 splooge rags 1 pair of Martina's underwear 9 of Alberto's socks (which include the ones used as splooge rags) 1 spiked collar, but they don't know if it's Taco's or Martina's and 24 pounds of couch stuffing that Taco tore out.
  17. Might be too tired for the last "screw" by the time they're done! 🤣
  18. Gotta protect the sexy bits! Besides, her tool belt is filled with vibrators and lube... although that might just make things go faster!
  19. Ok... bet pool... how many parts will be left when they're "done"? I say 9.
  20. They need better tools... like a plunger and the carrot peeler. They'll give up in about an hour and Taco will be left to finish building it... which he'll get done in 15 minutes just using his squeaky toy.
  21. All the instructions are in English! Martina needs to translate.
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