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Everything posted by vanillajohn

  1. Maybe he works for RLC as a handyman or something, which is why he thinks he has some kind of authority over the place.
  2. I totally understand why you're thinking that lol, but in this situation he at worst seemed to only help Lucian drag the dude out. If anything he was by far the calmest person in the house while that happened.
  3. That's quite usual even though the word probably got spread across the houses already
  4. I think punches were thrown in the kitchen area. It was off-camera but you could hear them go at it (a bit before Bonnie covered the cams)
  5. J'ignore s'il y a surveillance, mais les sentiments semblent bel et bien réels si l'on se fie aux derniers jours dans B5
  6. Alexandra is the redhead. Bonnie is the girl who's closest to the cam in the blue-ish shirt
  7. Yeah I think it's safe to say that all the RLC party girls (or at least a huge majority) know each other 😏
  8. I didn't follow what happened but looking at the replay, when she was on her phone in the bedroom you could see that she was on a video call with a dude in a hoodie. So the boyfriend theory might be confirmed after all.
  9. She's talking quietly with Babi in her room, and fakes crying whenever someone else approaches her room. Ginger got in twice and they both pretended and waved her away lol.
  10. That was in regards to their reaction towards their man, not in how they engage with each other.
  11. I agree with you. Both girls are clearly conflicted, however Alex seems to be more of an assertive person than Bonnie. She's keeps herself in check whilst being more distant whereas Bonnie is an emotional roller coaster, at least lately.
  12. Many have come back in the past so not all hope is lost. Also since RLC has constantly been losing subscribers & viewers since the Russian purge, keeping them on for longer or bringing them back might be their best course of action if they're up for it. And if they manage to get A&B alone together, which is now everyone's wish, then it'll be an home-run swing.
  13. Guilty as well 👍 Even though it's staged, nowhere near as genuine and hot as many other situations, it's still 4 women going to town on each other 🙃
  14. It's the same old. But I'd admit that I kinda wish that Fiora was in another setting since she at least brings some element of sensuality but yeah... Night and day in comparison to Alex and Bonnie over at B5.
  15. Yeah the open terrace in the back is quite nice. It doesn't look like they don't use it to its full potential though.
  16. Alex and Bonnie went at it in the living room while the boys were away and they stopped a bit before Lucian came back. It didn't look like they stopped because of that since it was like 2 or 3 minutes before he showed up but I may be wrong.
  17. I wonder if it had anything to do with leaving their own mess around. Fiora started to clean the kitchen, Ulyana then showed up and she was talking while pointing the dirty dishes in the sink and next thing you know, they're all doing chores (except for Mimi).
  18. You may be right. In my opinion it looks like the girls are falling in love (at least definitely Alex), and both Rama and Lucian are coping with it in a different way. Rama seems to embrace it and Lucian feels threatened which weirdly enough thought it'd be the opposite. When Alex and Lucian were fucking yesterday, after Alex and Bonnie went at it, I thought it was really weird that he was all of a sudden starting to act touchy-feely and taking it slow (but he then reverted to his more aggressive nature). Who knows...
  19. I can't understand anything but Fiora is really pissed off
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