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Everything posted by vanillajohn

  1. Oh I meant afterwards when the cams were back. I'd assume they only got hurt during the night as they seemed fine (at least Kim, she ran to cover a cam) before they went UM. Only in the morning they had some makeshift bandages on and then they replaced them with real ones. I tried to notice if they would remove them to see if there was a cut or something. Yeah it sucks that the replay disappeared.
  2. Yeah it's really unfortunate. Did you notice if there was any cut at all? I couldn't see a good angle on the replay. I wonder if they stepped on some broken glass caused by the ruckus by accident, or if they got hit somehow.
  3. They both came back and Bonnie hurt her leg it seems like. Edit: And they are still arguing.
  4. Rama decided to head out during the argument and Bonnie ran after him outside, you could hear her yell at him once they got outside the apartment.
  5. Bonnie is quite angry at Rama. She's confronting him about something and yelling at him in the living room.
  6. It's a two-way game. Let's not pretend that there isn't some folks who are just waiting for something to happen to jump on the trigger and shit on RLC and get into an argument with anyone who's doesn't agree with them. Even I think that RLC has gone to shit in general. But for whatever reason you almost can't say anything positive or negative without getting into an argument these days...
  7. Beaucoup de gens semblent s'être levé du pied gauche ce matin 😁
  8. I'm just coming up with a plausible reason. Why would you as a free member, have all kinds of issues while premium ones are fine? That's why I asked for the possibility to compare with other people.
  9. It could be because that's where most of the traffic goes to, as they are often part of the top cams.
  10. That's... what I was implying? If they perform bandwidth throttling, you could have the fastest connection speed and it wouldn't change anything.
  11. It seems to me there could be bandwidth throttling for free users during high traffic hours since you seem to often have issues while I don't. It could be interesting to compare with other members.
  12. I glanced over at P1 from time to time this past hour and didn't have any lag on any cam.
  13. It means they're all dressed up, moping around in front of the TV except for Alexandra who pretends to be a rabbit (since she was wearing rabbit ears).
  14. Pretty much in that case. Last weekend they chose the squeakiest bed in the history of beds to fuck on and you could hear it across the entire place all while the other girls were trying to sleep. It was so loud even the other Barca houses could possibly hear it.
  15. Yeah I could see that as well. There is definitely way more to the equation than what we saw on cam.
  16. L'ambiance était bizarre au retour des caméras ce matin. En jugeant le comportement de Kim & Olya, il y a à ce demander si la nuit leur a réservé d'autres problèmes. Elles ne semblaient pas seulement sous le choc, mais complètement désemparées et inconsolables. Alex et Lucian semblaient aussi à cran, du moins à leur réveil. Sinon je me demande si des informations ont été divulguées dans les diverses conversations du matin puisque l'endroit est retourné UM assez brusquement. Sinon pourquoi même ramener la place online si ce n'est pour la remettre UM sans que rien de particulier ne survienne?
  17. It's one thing when people are not respecting it. But it's a whole different story when it's under a company. Since they approved of them breaking the rules or at least not kept them in check within the laws of the place they are located, I'd assume that would potentially put their business in jeopardy at least in that country. Especially when you take into consideration what kind of business this is.
  18. I believe this is a different case as it's part of a private propriety. Anyway I don't think they'd want to use the footage for any legal action purpose since it incriminates themselves as they all broke the law by not respecting the confinement rules (would put RLC under fire).
  19. Kim & Olya are looking miserable on the terrace. They've been crying for a good bit. Alex and Lucian are not happy either.
  20. After what happened it's not surprising that they'd stay over for the night, if only as a reassuring presence.
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