Anna&Alex will not be a "new apartment" because the people are well known from VV. If you are really interested in the forum´s opinion, there were many chances to read in the VV thread what we are thinking about Alex. (Anna is a different case, but if they want to stay together, she has a problem, too). So you cannot speak about a hype before launch. The hype is old.
But what is the effect: there will be new apartment, which is not new but another one is/will be closed. So mostly there are only 3 running houses because most of time there is one being offline for weeks. K&R for about 4 weeks, A&L 2-3 weeks, A&A&M for X weeks. And then as replacement Alex????
Keep it empty for 2 months, this is a better choice.
And do not rely so much on the statistics, the mood here says more than the counted clicks! And I am normally not driven by feelings, but rationalist......