Hope, Anton had a chance to watch Kojak´s guest couple in the GR. Nasty would have been pleased.
Unfortunately they did not show too much skin during their 2 hour session. This was all to see, everything else under cover...
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Guess they are smoking there, because outside it is really cold. There must be a toilet/restroom/WC .... Either the announced talk of Mr. VHTV will have a result or Nasty must get full cam control. On the other side she will not stay really long with candyman... she is not a 2 minutes´girl...
nomen est omen
More and more I am getting convinced that all this was theatre (from the demounted cam in GR), the hiding etc.) that we do get upset and VV informed thru us and that they have no other chance than to let her go....
Well, for the time being he is misused as a placeholder. just to show presence that the birdies have more time to fuck around. Kick A&A out and put Polina in, quick solution.
I do not see any risk for your ass they are much more close than day(s) before and she is spending almost complete day without mask at competitors site...
The call from VV will come soon and she will be packing in a hurry. Polina will move to Boobie?
Thedbear had written about, here some pics. Not so clear with this pix, but very clear with the vid....