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Posts posted by rado07

  1. 9 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

    I been saying that since she first arrived at B4. I very much doubt that she'll do anything now that she is in a relationship. Plus I very much doubt that Eva and Matvei are going to involve anyone in their sex life. I think this will be just a regular visit for Masha. I do like the developing friendship between Masha and Olivia. It is always nice to see two people who have an established history here on RLC meet each other and develop a friendship. I hope they continue to visit each other in the future. 

    That's how I see it too.
    E&M are in a new relationship, I'm sure that fills them up completely. They will not involve anyone in this intimate relationship.
    But I'm still unsure about one point.
    The Barca system runs in the background with its show program. Whether E&M can or wants to stay out of it completely?
    Somehow the viewers or maybe the RLC protagonists expect that these shows are simply part of it.
    The two are so confident that they can separate reality and show, so I think it's possible that some kind of show can take place here in the near future.

    But it's just a thought, it's enough for me to just listen and see the "normal" life.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, DWI said:

    Its really hard to figure out the dynamics here tonight. Hopefully the translators can watch the replays and tell us what was being talked about between the three of them. This so frustrating for English speaking people. There is almost no cooperation in recognizing that we don't know what the fuck is going on between the tenants and their conversations...I mean, English speaking people are the majority of RLC customers. I myself am tired of the disrespect towards English speaking people...I have been a paid subscriber on RLC since almost the very beginning and I'm about to end my sub. It is disrespectful that RLC refusues to allow translations from Russian/Ukranian to English...I've had it!

    they're normal conversations, nothing particularly spectacular.
    at least from what I've heard (although I have a lot of dropouts in the stream here)
    the Villa team, they live there, or a good mattress is essential for a good night's sleep, a small apartment somewhere, the gym...

  3. 39 minutes ago, nadiuska said:

    sembra comunque che ci siano problemi di coppia, ieri sera e stanotte tante dicussioni

    listened briefly yesterday. my summary: the relationship is still relatively new (about half a year) there is still a lot to discuss and to explore the partner's point of view. but both do not always agree. e.g. "That's cool, I don't like it, but it's not a problem for me".
    and Eva is known for discussing everything at length.
    a few keywords that i still remember: what is a human right, how did it come about, or "you're not Mother Theresa, you can't save everyone"
    it is a conversation. maybe with more depth

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