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Posts posted by rado07

  1. Somehow the two haven't really arrived yet.
    There is not much to see from the holiday yet.
    Eva works until the early hours and sleeps during the day.
    Whether the two should/want to be integrated into the Barca team at all?
    The first step would be for the girls to send an expedition/discovery team to B6 to make contact.
    Or are E&M waiting for Masha to visit, who will ring the doorbell by Easter at the latest.
    Inevitably, however, she will also bring the rip-off Daniel to B6, who can then get drunk again for free... and everything else. 🤔

  2. 1 hour ago, moules said:

    It may be that they arrived in Turkey with only their backpacks.  I am sure everyone fleeing took as much as they could, and the airline would be very concerned about weight.  Every seat taken, and the cargo hold full.  It may be they were allowed to bring only-carry-on bags.  No checked baggage.

    We will know more after they receive their first pay, and they then buy clothes, and more clothes.

    They had already been in Istanbul for 5 or 6 days when this shit started. It should be the first vacation abroad after the pandemic. additional 2-3 days in Italy. her backpack was enough for the planned vacation.
    If I understood correctly, it was only in Istanbul that it was decided not to go back and to observe further developments from afar.
    Now they only have the contents of the backpacks.
    Anything else they need now they have to buy. Their credit card no longer works in the EU. They brought cash from Turkey to cover the time until the first RLC money. But they may now have a new card that works in the EU.

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  3. The next few days will be about organizing their stay.
    So far they only have the contents of their backpacks.
    Everyone who came to Barca had big suitcases with everything they needed.
    If no suitcases arrive, this indicates a very short stay or it was actually decided at short notice to go to RLC.
    (would also go along with the somewhat surprising message to the old tenants that they have to vacate the apartment) Or is it because the "new apartment" is simply not ready yet. but then the suitcases are still missing. 😇😏

  4. 27 minutes ago, moules said:

    From several newspapers in England and France, it appears that Russians arriving in Turkey receive a two-month visa.  This visa is not a Schengen visa, as Turkey is not within the Schengen zone.  Perhaps they were able to travel by bus to Bulgaria, which is within the Schengen zone.  And then maybe by train to Hungary or Austria, and then to Italy.  I think you are correct in your suggestion that they traveled by train or bus from Rome to Barcelona, avoiding passport checks at the airport.

    One article mentions Russians buying property in Turkey to obtain the Golden visa..  Another article described some Russians using Turkey as a temporary stop, and then going to Georgia (which is being overrun with Russians fleeing Russia) or former CIS republics.  Georgia is issuing visas allowing indefinite stays, but it also is not within the Schengen zone.

    no, i wrote it
    (at fiavet-confcommercio) since february it is possible for russian tourists to travel to italy with a russian vaccination. You still need a visa for EU Italy. The travel industry had high hopes for this arrangement, but tensions and sanctions have now dashed them.
    With this visa it is possible to fly to Italy. If it was planned to go to Italy, it was possible to get a visa for Italy/EU from February

  5. 20 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    I think that they have the Schengen visa which dictates that as soon as they enter any EU country , it is possible  to continue in any EU destination

    I was now thinking more about vaccinations, since Sputnik is not recognized in most EU countries. italy has been an exception for a few weeks (since February).
    I don't know if Spain is doing the same. And you need a passport to fly. and airlines treat third-country nationals very carefully.
    but it still worked. so it's ok

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  6. 2 hours ago, moules said:

    I think they are refugees and couldn't take much.,  Assuming they reached Poland, Poland probably gave them unrestricted stay visas, and from Poland they traveled to Rome, and from Rome to Barcelona. 

    they came via Istanbul, and since the beginning of february it has been possible for russians to enter Italy
    it was the opportunity that Eva and Mat took advantage of.whether a flight from Italy to Spain was possible with their documents is questionable. they may have traveled overland by train.

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