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Posts posted by rado07

  1. 7 hours ago, ddhm said:


    Hmm , can it only maybe be a short trip to either Napoli or Florence ? 

    before going to bed, they said goodbye to Masha. it looked like they weren't coming back.
    But I don't want to speculate. Everything is possible. maybe there will be feedback on Masha in the next few days, e.g. "Arrived safely at......."

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  2. 9 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    It's about time Masha to ditch this guy to the curb.  Animal abuse should not be tolerated.

    this time a clear hand signal from Masha,
    if you don't get along with the cats, you have to go.
    he was kicked out

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  3. 2 hours ago, Friese60 said:

    Eva immer noch in Rom ? sie sollte doch schon längst in Barcelona sein, mit ihrer tollen Ausbildung als Psychologin u. die armen Mädchen dort betreuen u. jeden Tag Sitzungen abhalten? Was ist da schiefgelaufen?

    So far it's just speculation, nothing more.
    As far as I remember it was only said it was possible, ie. however, other possibilities are also conceivable.
    So just wait and see how things develop

  4. 4 hours ago, Friese60 said:

    Ich weiß das man Katzen wohl nicht so wie einen Hund erziehen kann, trotzdem kann man versuchen sie ein wenig zu erziehen. Das hat Mascha in meinen Augen nicht gemacht, sie dürfen an jedes essen schnüffeln u. teilweise lecken, dürfen über sämtlich koch Sachen springen usw. anschließend dann ins Bett. Da würden die Katzen mit mir auch Ärger bekommen. 😁

    Well, since fucking is more important than her cats right now, the cat issue will soon be over.
    Elvis will get his way, and Fasol the cat will resign itself to her fate and live out the rest of her cat's life in the box in the closet. Quickly write a saying on the wall and then everything will be fine....if only things were always that simple.

  5. On 3/16/2022 at 6:46 PM, rado07 said:

    how eva & friend can move around rome without a green pass

    i have just read (at fiavet-confcommercio) that since february it has apparently been possible for russian tourists to travel to italy with a russian vaccination. The travel industry had high hopes for this arrangement, but tensions and sanctions have now dashed them. With a simple quick test, Eva and boyfriend can use all leisure and gastronomy offers.
    However, the rapid test is not free of charge.

  6. in the kitchen they talked again about the cat chaos, masha is very concerned about this, and not a day goes by without this point.
    Elvis and the cat Fasol.
    and Masha again declares: "I will never give up Fasol for a man". She thinks it's because Fasol scratched Elvis badly and because of that Elvis can't handle that cat anymore.
    A good approach came from Eva's boyfriend who sees the cause deeper and also in the upbringing of Elvis (if I understood correctly).
    And that's the point. It's not really about the cat. The point is that despite repeated admonitions from Masha, Elvis does not change his mind no matter what others say. and here we see the typical egomaniac.
    Whether living with such a person is compatible with Masha's philosophy of life?
    probably as it always is: "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" 😇

  7. 48 minutes ago, DWI said:

    Nice to see Eva and boyfriend socializing. I didn't realize that the boyfriend was pretty fluent in English as is Masha and Allasandro so the three of them had the opportunity to laugh and have some fun. Boyfreind seemed pretty animated and that was fun to watch. I'm not sure if Eva speaks or understands English but at least she  and Piper seemed comfortable with each other and conversed as well.  All in all, nice to see everyone having a good time.

    I can remember how Eva started learning English, she had a teacher in Petersburg who came to her apartment. The beginning was difficult. Unfortunately we didn't see how it went on, and what her knowledge is now.
    but it's fun to listen to her boyfriend, he doesn't have any difficulties at all and probably makes contact with other people quickly.

  8. nobody had such problems with the cats as Elvis. And despite the warning, he does not give up. If he already has a problem with Masha's cat, how does he deal with Masha's other friends?
    It's a strange relationship... egomaniac meets nymphomaniac.
    an interesting constellation.....especially for our young psychologist Eva.🤔

  9. 3 hours ago, Friese60 said:

    Aber wie heißt es so schön, der Rubel muss rollen ☺️

    Thank God the ruble must roll. That's why this chicken pile apparently works, at least on camera, and does the job it's paid to do.
    I used to have to look after a similar number of women and girls at times. It was hell. Constant trouble, always intrigues, conspiracies and competition, who is the most beautiful and best in the country. During that time I could have used a psychologist sometimes, not just for the girls. 😅

    • Haha 1
  10. 3 hours ago, ddhm said:

    that’s why Barcelona seems to be the better option .

    for me the question arises (we've already talked about that) how eva & friend can move around rome without a green pass. In fact, they are not even allowed to use public transport. So everything on foot? or does it not matter because nobody controls anyway?
    Yesterday Masha spoke to them that they are actually not allowed to enter a restaurant either.
    From this I conclude that the two do not know the italy-rules at all.
    her luggage too, only a small backpack. few clothes.
    So everything indicates that Rome is only a stopover or an emergency solution, i.e. it was not originally planned and the actual destination is somewhere else.... probably Barcelona...but (I've had ears from listening for a long time) I haven't heard anything about it in the apartment..

  11. I'll write a few more lines about Fasol. For me it was the last interesting topic here before Eva came.
    How did Fasol get its unusual name? Masha told Eva's boyfriend earlier. In SPB there was a shop / restaurant with this name "фасоль", I think, on Sadovaya St.
    After Elvis returns poor Fasol has to accept his fate, I hope he survives this chaos in his life. After dismantling Fasol's position in the apartment, the Elvis-expansion continues.
    I suspect that he is now (consciously or unconsciously) working on Alessandro's reputation. I heard a little talk (Masha/Elvis) about this pointing in that direction. This little conversation makes it clear that my assessment that Elvis can subordinate himself or stand in the second row is probably correct. Masha should be careful not to lose her last friends with all the fucking.
    So i hope there will soon be a new Eva&..... apartment to talk about harmonious things and good developments. 🤔

  12. Barcelona vs Rome
    If I had a choice as a young girl
    I would prefer Barcelona as a more modern, younger city. maybe a little more open-minded than Rome.
    From RLC point of view the good service and management is there.
    but as I said, nobody knows Eva there.
    it will be like Lana&Robert or they will be integrated into the Barcelona program. I don't believe the latter.
    In the end I don't care, the main thing is that we see Eva again and they both enjoy what they do.
    But let's wait and see, maybe everything is completely different

  13. 25 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

    Not probably. Was most definitely. She did a lot of things when she was with him to please him, including sex with his friend Baldy and bringing in girls for him to have sex with. I don't think she was all that happy in that lifestyle. 

    Eve came from the country to the city of Petersburg,
    to study there.
    At first she didn't know anyone there. Somehow she met Sam. He often traveled abroad, saw the world and was greatly admired by Eva. he lived as she would have wished. quick marriage and soon work for RLC. initially it worked fine. but it was the life of Sam. not hers.
    At some point she thought about it, and in the end they broke up. Those are the points I heard, but only Eva knows the true story.

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  14. 1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said:

    It could also be because of different points in their life. Eva seems a lot more grounded and "professional" this visit. I think her party and free spirit days are behind her.

    Yes, I think the same.
    In Petersburg Sam was probably the driving force behind parties and other activities, he was well connected through work and travel. and of course the "free spirit".
    then, separation, leave Petersburg, leave friends there,
    Studying in Moscow, reading and learning a lot, organizing life there, that shapes a person.
    I had never noticed before that Eva spoke so softly, but maybe I just forgot.

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