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Posts posted by rado07

  1. 10 hours ago, ddhm said:

    ..Which this might show how important Eva as a friend has always been .

    it is certainly correct. Nevertheless, I see a difference to the previous visits. I can remember hours of conversations between Eva and Masha. Past and experiences were discussed. laughed a lot.
    This time it's more of a fleeting conversation.
    The intensity is gone.
    It's probably not because of Eva's boyfriend, the last time she had a friend with her too.
    ok, the last visits were vacation. this visit will probably take place under different conditions.
    there is some tense mood in the room.

  2. I think Evis finds it difficult to be second in line, subordinate or just let the others do their thing.
    everything should probably go his way
    Masha has to be careful that with all this fucking with him, suddenly Elvs is the boss in the ring. 🤔

  3. 59 minutes ago, Friese60 said:

    Ich dachte am 13.03. um 9:10 waren sie schon auf dem Weg nach Barcelona? 😄

    "Omnes viae Romam ducunt" (alle Wege führen nach Rom)
    based on this saying: Barcelona is the center of the world at RLC. so Noldus is probably right...in the long run 😇😄

  4. another point:
    in italy the “green pass” regulation still applies, i. H. among other things, access to restaurants is restricted or constant tests are required.
    That also has to be arranged if the two stay longer.
    The "green pass" is only valid for 6 months in Italy, so Masha's vaccination certificate has probably also lost its validity.
    There should be relief from April 1st, but further details are not known.

  5. 3 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    And for both of you , don’t you think you are underestimating the boyfriend ? What about if he speaks Spanish ? 😉

    Well, of course I totally forgot about that.
    they are of course to be seen as a team 🙂

  6. 8 minutes ago, moos54 said:

    The word COV is just a name like any other, but whether they are added as a couple or COV does not make a big difference since they are in a country that is not theirs anyway

    I think the main difference is just the time.
    COV was intended as a temporary stay, couple as a long term stay.
    However, the difference has been diluted when I look at Czech apartments. so it's probably irrelevant now

  7. 48 minutes ago, moos54 said:

    What would be the difference between having them in Italy or Spain? in both cases they don't know many people, so it will still be a COV couple

    in Italy there is Masha, a good friend with many contacts,
    I don't think there is anyone in Spain who has had contact with Eva.It's just easier when you have someone to ask for advice and put you in touch with other people.
    In Spain it's a bit more difficult, there are the girls and one Daniel who speaks Polish.🙃.....Eva doesn't speak Spanish, she started English 3 years ago.
    but right If you go as a COV, the social integration is not that important.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 37 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

    Please no, there is a risk that Radi will ruin Eva.

    it would be pure caring from RLC
    all these girls need psychological support. it's good for the general mood.
    Eva will hold regular consultation hours 😇🤣

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Brokk! said:

    It remains to be seen if RLC wants to invest in an apartment in Italy. The fact that in all these years they have had only one apartment in Italy while they have focused on Spain and the Czech Republic makes it clear that for RLC Italy is not a good investment except for Masha.

    I agree, it's easier for RLC in Barcelona, they know the area well and the technical support is well organized.
    and as a COV it would be a good way to earn some money until things get better in Russia. As a COV, social contacts and guests are not that important either

  10. 3 hours ago, Brokk! said:

    And I don't think that online work can work (you also go to the psychologist to see each other live, which is not the same thing as talking to each other in a video call) and not with the cameras always aimed at her, so she should work outside the apartment more often. 

    in Russia there are many online offers. these were also used by Eva and Masha, for example. However, since payment from Russia is currently not possible, this option is probably out of the question.

  11. 3 hours ago, Noldus said:

    Eva & bf are on their way to Barcelona 😉 

    as COV,
    It gets difficult without friends so the only solution would be to hook up Eva and her boyfriend with the Barcelona girls. but let's wait and see if it works 😇

  12. to continue the matter
    Should it work out to keep Eva in Italy or Spain, she and her partner will be alone and separated from their friends in Russia. We had examples in the czech republic with Lana and Robert.
    The audience gets tired quickly, at some point you see routine or maybe emptiness. Then only we, the hard core, look, but we are always there, no matter what is on offer.
    If RLC should manage to integrate the two, it's important to create an interesting environment for them, which I only see in Rome with Masha at the moment.
    Meanwhile I think Eva would accept an offer from RLC. She would have a financial basis and can live with it in the EU until things get better in Russia.
    Another difficulty, of course, is how she wants to work as a psychologist. Online is always possible. Her clientele is in the Russian-speaking region. Payment from Russia is difficult, maybe bitcoin is still possible. There are many people from Ukraine in the EU who need advice and help, but will the Russians accept as a psychologist? But it's also a good chance. The municipalities need psychologists from the Russian-speaking area to take care of the refugees.

    Or maybe we're just seeing an ordinary visit in troubled times, and all speculation was in vain

    In any case, it remains exciting.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, DWI said:

    Hi ddhm,

         I have a question because I really don't know the answer to it and maybe you do...do you think that RLC had to approve the Eva visit before Masha could get it done? If that is so, then I guess RLC finally got something right although I do think they are trying to figure out how to get the site back to some resemblance of the Russian glory days.  But like I and some have said, there needs to be more real  lesbian/bisexual women on the site, whether in relationships with men also or not. I agree with many others that the bullshit, fake lesbian shows need to stop...I mean there are thousands of lesbian videos on the web with real porn stars and amateur lesbians that are so much better than the current fake lesbian content on RLC ...and most of it is FREE! But that's my opinion as I know many here do not like lesbian/FFM sex on moral grounds...I'm ok with that of course. But I think that RLC might finally realize that real, authentic lesbian or FFM couples sex is a money maker...but it has to be authentic, as Jen Mom in the Martina/Alberto forum often says, or its worthless. The new addition of Katie and Adam might be headed in that direction, but we will see. As for the Kitty/Smith thing, RLC should drop them. Real Life Cam does not mean they will broadcast or tolerate physical abuse...none of us  wants to pay to see that. Enough said.

    Maybe I can say something about the first part of your question:
    So far, Masha herself decided who would visit her.
    Entry into the EU from third countries is currently extremely difficult. as a russian you need a visa and good reasons for it, and that doesn't happen overnight.
    the trip to Istanbul was planned, whether the onward journey to Rome or EU was planned...probably.
    and to enter the EU you need reasons which an RLC may be able to supply. For example, Masha had tried to arrange a visit for her mother and it hadn't worked.
    So RLC could be involved in this trip after all.
    and that would actually indicate a longer stay, maybe more.

  14. 5 minutes ago, moules said:

    Its difficult to get back to Russia.  There are 6500 Russians in Thailand with no money and no flights.  I  know that the border with Finland is open, because Russians are leaving that way.  I assume one could return to Russia the same way.  otherwise, I think you have to fly to the UAE.

    Turkey is still possible. Certain Russian credit cards still work there.
    but not in the EU

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