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Everything posted by refazer

  1. unable to upload photos at this time
  2. Angel's return. It will please some (jabbath1987,budda......) great job of managers 🤣🤣
  3. in any case, this is what your writings suggest. Perhaps the translations do not reflect your thoughts enough.
  4. not homophobic but jealous and embittered (nothing goes). No positive reviews. Relax.
  5. Agree with you but respect those who want to watch Nina and Kira and her friends and do not ask for their departure. I believe that VH has an interest in having apartments that attract another audience. Me if N / K go away I unsubscribe and I would not be the only one.
  6. I don't know what Nina and Kira did to you but I find you very aggressive with these two girls. Perhaps you are homophobic? Let them live and take care of the other apartments you like. Tolerance, tolerance...............
  7. ok failure was to be expected but the joy is not very beautiful (but it is my teacher side)
  8. Bravo to all those who rejoice in the failure of others. SO goes the world.
  9. very good news !! ....... big return of money ?? ..... VH very generous !!!!😄😀
  10. me I think Nina has skin problems. She often has redness. Nothing sexual.
  11. our two sweethearts returned to more classic hairstyles. I like that.
  12. the cat is back. you're right, certainly at the vet.
  13. Where are they taking the cat?
  14. Nina goes to do an electrical installation, video ???? What do you think?
  15. I do not share your analysis of the relationship between Nina and Kira, but you probably lack information that some of us have.
  16. a lot of assumptions but not a lot of certainty about the reality
  17. Nina and Kira visit their friend's house
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