Jimbo true words I agree with you and we should be a little more sensitive out of respect. Nobody knows what is going on and as long as that is the case, everyone here in the forum should carefully consider what they are writing.
It was Paul she said that she had to go shopping because she was missing some cleaning products. She told Paul that she can move very well with the new glasses and that she would like to clean the apartment.
Everyone can make their own thoughts. I find it nevertheless remarkable what a short statement of a written SMS here in the forum triggers for hustle and bustle 🙄
I really hope for Leora that she somehow manages to get Paul to Prague. Some don't want it but I would really appreciate it. Then we will definitely see a happy woman without any restrictions. Let's see how it goes on. At the moment, however, I like it better than in the past few months Nobody wants to see a sad Leora I think
Hello Yes Leora called paul and also talked on Skype but ..... LB is still there, at least via text contact, unfortunately. Unfortunately it is the way it is but I mean without malia it is a little easier for Leora to take care of everything. However, it can be that the boredom will soon back and then everything will be turned upside down again. Everyone can make their own thoughts ...