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Misty Part #1

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there are 2 things that can happen. misty could start having sex in front of ashley & see what happens. or she could just entertain ashley & ruin all the promise that she's shown so far. i would rather see ashley get her own apt & then we can either watch her or not & then she couldn't be blamed for ruining anyone elses fun as she has in the past (terry & black friday in case anyone has forgotten).

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3 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

there are 2 things that can happen. misty could start having sex in front of ashley & see what happens. or she could just entertain ashley & ruin all the promise that she's shown so far. i would rather see ashley get her own apt & then we can either watch her or not & then she couldn't be blamed for ruining anyone elses fun as she has in the past (terry & black friday in case anyone has forgotten).

For me Ashley is quite an interesting character to watch: She is no longer the gf of Dean I suppose and she now spents a lot of time with Misty and Anna and Alex. She has now make a decision for herself if she will join into their life of swinging and being a little slut basically :biggrin: and just enjoy sexuality or if she prefers to stay the plain Jane she was. I think we will see some surprises from her...

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16 minutes ago, Just In said:

That is you and some others opinion, but equally there are others and myself that think differently towards her. And like the difference that she brings.

Then perhaps "Justin TV" is the site for you....

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2 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

I think Ashley wants to join that life but a little decent Ashley deep inside her is holding her back. Maybe Misty can help her overcome the decent Ashley and let out the slut :biggrin:

This is what we should be aiming for instead of running her down all the time, well said Jabbath

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Just now, Just In said:

This is what we should be aiming for instead of running her down all the time, well said Jabbath

As I said its too early to judge yet. She already came a long way. I think she might surprise us. 

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5 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

I think Ashley wants to join that life but a little decent Ashley deep inside her is holding her back. Maybe Misty can help her overcome the decent Ashley and let out the slut :biggrin:

Because someone likes sex and is free with their body that makes them a slut???  And because someone walks into that lifestyle and decides not to participate that makes them decent??  I think Misty is far more "decent" and less hypocritical than someone who continues to hang around that chooses not only to not participate, but discourages others from doing so by her attitude.  Sorry Jabbath, on this one we don't agree as to who is decent and who is not.  And BTW, if Misty was a guy would she be a "slut" or a "stud"?

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Just now, mic351 said:

Because someone likes sex and is free with thier body that makes them a slut???  and because someone walks into that lifestyle and decides not to participate that makes them decent??  I think Misty is far more "decent" and less hypocritical than someone who continues to hang around that chooses not only to not participate, but discourages others from doing so by her attitude.  Sorry Jabbath, on this one we don't agree as to who is decent and who is not.  And BTW, if Misty was a guy would she be a "slut" or a "stud"?

You can say slut in a positive way these days. It basically means a strong independent woman who is not commited on a single sexual partner and proudly lives that life. I dont mean slut as an insult. Completely the opposite its like a compliment. Google "Slut Walk" and you know will find out many more about the word "slut"

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I will take all of my previous statements back should anyone show me that Ashley would be homeless if not for Alex and Anna.  If she's hanging on because she's homeless it is a whole different ballgame.  People will do all kinds of things to keep food in their bellys, clothes on their backs, and a roof over their head.  If she would be homeless but for this situation then I understand completely and would look at her in a whole different light.  I'm an asshole but I am not a heartless asshole..

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2 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

You can say slut in a positive way these days. It basically means a strong independent woman who is not commited on a single sexual partner and proudly lives that life. I dont mean slut as an insult. Completely the opposite its like a compliment. Google "Slut Walk" and you know will find out many more about the word "slut"

"Slut walk"  Such as the  Amber Rose Stroll and the word "slut" have two different meanings entirely.  Google the word  "slut".  And don't attempt to obfuscate the argument my friend.:dodgy:::)

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