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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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25 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

Caroline is now speaking in Italian with my fellow countryman !!!
You do not want to hear it, but these girls have a lot more business than RLC !!!!

I think everyone knows. 

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48 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

Probably is Lola's negative influence.
I think it's time to change the girls.
We save Sofie (if he understands that he needs to use cams when he masturbates), Vasilisa (she knows how to use cams but has to repeat more often - and with Sofie sandals).
Then I want here: Rebecca, Rosemary, Jessica and Megan (the first three are my favorites)

I guess, only a restart with new girls could work. All the recent recasted girls (like Lola, Nicole, Anna, ...) have shown, that for most of the girls a recast means less participation. 

It's so obvious that the girls just work down their duty hours, with showing as little private life as possible. As long as RLC do not change the concept, it will be the same with all the girls listed by you.  

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7 minutes ago, cacjc said:

Ciao ragazzi, quindi la mia domanda oggi è che pensa che RLC invierà le vecchie ragazze di nuovo intorno per le rotonde 3 GIRLS come Irma, Danaya, Stella e Ilona o anche Nora se stessa?

I think there will always be an old girl to explain to new girls how to make money inside and out of the apartment

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4 minutes ago, cacjc said:

Hi guys so my question today is do you think RLC will send the old girls around again for round 3 GIRLS like Irma, Danaya, Stella and Ilona or even Nora herself?

Danaya will never return she has Motherhood Priorities now. 

The others it's hard to say if RLC has any more future plans for them. I would think they would want to move on to the Next Chapter of their Lives.

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8 minutes ago, cacjc said:

Hi guys so my question today is do you think RLC will send the old girls around again for round 3 GIRLS like Irma, Danaya, Stella and Ilona or even Nora herself?

Patiently waiting for the day Stella comes back :heart: Irma can come along as well. Say what you will about them recycling girls, but I have no issues with the ones that actually make it worth while.

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1 minute ago, Peanut_Brotha said:

Patiently waiting for the day Stella comes back :heart: Irma can come along as well. Say what you will about them recycling girls, but I have no issues with the ones that actually make it worth while.

I guess, Stella come back would be equal to Anna, Lola or Polya. They have fun outside, but finished with RLC a long time ago. It is just a wast of space and money. 

New girls are needed. At best girls that actually have no issue with having a life in the apartment too.

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