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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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8 minutes ago, Spock said:

Non mi interessa perché qualcosa non sta accadendo nell'appartamento, ma se i responsabili di RLC lasciano la vita privata dalle camme, hanno commesso un errore e sono colpevoli. 

Alla fine, devo dare i miei soldi a RLC e non alle ragazze direttamente. Se RLC non è in grado di tenere in vita la barcellona, sarebbe meglio provare qualcosa di diverso (come altri appartamenti in compagnia). 


I do not understand what you want to see in the apartment, what kind of private life you have to do in front of the cam as well as showering, eating, masturbating sometimes blankets, dancing among themselves. What do I do not understand?

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Just now, Mauri said:


I do not understand what you want to see in the apartment, what kind of private life you have to do in front of the cam as well as showering, eating, masturbating sometimes blankets, dancing among themselves. What do I do not understand?

I can not help you. You want it to be real and therefore, you make it real in your mind. For you it seems to work fine. For me, it is just a artificial show without any reality in it. 

In the end, the girls life outside only. Ultimately, this is so obvious that I can not describe it better. It is not real, if everything private is keep outside.

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3 minutes ago, Spock said:

Non posso aiutarti. Vuoi che sia reale e perciò la rendi reale nella tua mente. Per te sembra funzionare bene. Per me, è solo uno spettacolo artificiale senza alcuna realtà in esso. 

Alla fine, le ragazze vivono solo fuori. In definitiva, è così evidente che non posso descriverlo meglio. Non è vero, se tutto privato è tenuto all'esterno.

I think exactly as you do, nothing ever happens in the apartment. I'm telling you how RLC explained it to me once I complained

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Just now, Spock said:

:huh: , Ok che lasciare fermare questa discussione.


You want to see girls with boys at home screaming, the girls who masturbate normally, all to give a show to you who pay to see this, that's all they want. But RLC offers cameras to see what they do, to spy on them in intimate moments, but basically the site is voyeur and so you have to look at what they do, like or dislike

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:


You want to see girls with boys at home screaming, the girls who masturbate normally, all to give a show to you who pay to see this, that's all they want. But RLC offers cameras to see what they do, to spy on them in intimate moments, but basically the site is voyeur and so you have to look at what they do, like or dislike

I would like the barcelona apartments stop beeing a ridiculous show without honesty and real content. Barcelona, as it is now, has nothing to do with voyeurim or real life. It is like an endless 70s soft porn show with half nacked girls give nude or nude dancing shows. It is worthless to keep it running when there is nothing happen at all beside teasing all the time. 


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6 minutes ago, Spock said:

Vorrei che gli appartamenti di Barcellona si fermassero in uno spettacolo ridicolo senza onestà e contenuti reali. Barcellona, come adesso, non ha nulla a che vedere con la voyeurim o la vita reale. È come uno spettacolo pornografico morbido degli anni '70 con mezze ragazze nude che danno spettacoli nude o nudo. E 'inutile mantenerlo in esecuzione quando non c'è niente accaduto a tutti i complimenti per tutto il tempo. 


Do you know how the voyeur works? you just look, do not decide when, how and what do you expect the right time, this is voyeur

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Just now, Billybob said:

I really don't understand what these guys want...The girls eat, sleep, watch tv, masturbate, shower...all the things normal people do, in the apartments. How is that not real life?

just  because some girls can reach orgams in less than 5 minutes and because other has boyfriends outside the project and don't want to take them in the apartment to suck their dick in front of the cam. That's why Mr Spock is annoyed

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:

Do you know how the voyeur works? you just look, do not decide when, how and what do you expect the right time, this is voyeur

We're talking about a cast were only one girl out of 8 (or even nine) is with the idea of the project. All the other take advantage and most likely laughing about people like you when they are out to have their life. 

I expect to see private life. That is what all the other apartments offer and what should also be included in barcelona. If you like to pay to watch empty apartments, i can not help you. Have fun with it. 

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