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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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6 minutes ago, Spock said:

Questo è ciò che penso a te. È estremamente probabile che tu fai solo questo tipo di cose. Coloro che hanno meno esperienza provano a superare questo residuo facendo finta di avere il massimo.

Non importa. Non c'e 'modo questo 25 sec, sotto il copriletto, la lama a lume di candela era un vero orgasmo. Non importa quanto mi fai le cose o mi insulti (anche se dici che in realtà non lo fai) non cambierà questo. La vera ragione per cui così tanti pensano che sia reale è perché lo vogliono genuinamente. Non considerano la situazione con il loro cervello. È come funzionano questi appartamenti. Danno uno spettacolo e la gente non vede l'ora di pagare. 



surely if it was under the blankets, she played with her fingers so that you could not see if she was already masturbating, so for me you only saw its culmination that for you were 25 seconds

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6 minutes ago, thegame20 said:

well i guess all the members who have a problem with anna or any girls bating in 25 secs will have to learn to bate and cum sooner or form a new thread call "prejack training to quick cumming tenants" who knows one one them will probably end up in the guiness book of records :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

It wasn't until today that I learned that when someone masturbates,,there is a world standard length of time that should be followed by all,,and if you fall below that time frame you are not bating correctly.:biggrin::biggrin:

I wonder if time Zones are taken into account,,,does Barcelona time differ from California or New York Time?:biggrin:

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:


surely if it was under the blankets, she played with her fingers so that you could not see if she was already masturbating, so for me you only saw its culmination that for you were 25 seconds

You are wrong about this. Did you saw the event?

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8 minutes ago, Spock said:

That is what i think about you. It is extrem likely that you just make this kind of things up. Those with the least experience try to overcome this residue by pretending to have the most.

It do not matter. There is no way this 25 sec, under the bedspread, candlelight bullshit was a real orgasm. No matter how much you make things up or insult me (even if you say that you are actually do not) will not change this. The actual reason why so many here think it was real is because they want it genuinly. They do not consider the situation with their brain. It is how this apartments work. They give a show and people can not wait to pay for it. 


You need to get you a girl Spock,,, you sound very angry and frustrated,, I promise that I will ask Lisa to go a little longer just for you next time ok.:biggrin::biggrin:

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Just now, euromike69 said:

You need to get you a girl Spock,,, you sound very angry and frustrated,, I promise that I will ask Lisa to go a little longer just for you next time ok.:biggrin::biggrin:

You are the one insulting me. But keep on going. You just make it more obviously I am right.

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Just now, Mauri said:


She has always masturbated under the blankets so that no one could see, she only knew when she had orgasm and not before

That make it sure that you did not see this event. Anyway, it do not matter. She could fake her orgasm 100 times, non of this events would prove that it is real. 

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2 minutes ago, Spock said:

Ciò assicura che non hai visto questo evento. Comunque, non importa. Potrebbe fingere il suo orgasmo 100 volte, non di questi eventi dimostrerebbe che sia reale. 


Then you did not see it when a few weeks ago it had 4 or 5 orgasms under the blankets, you can not doubt whether it is fake or not whenever you masturbate if it is covered

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4 minutes ago, Mauri said:


Then you did not see it when a few weeks ago it had 4 or 5 orgasms under the blankets, you can not doubt whether it is fake or not whenever you masturbate if it is covered

That is true. I did not see this event. It is also true that you can not tell anything, if everything is happening covered. 

But, this time there was no time in before. It was only 25sec. No way. Sorry.

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6 minutes ago, Spock said:

You are wrong about this. Did you saw the event?

No he's correct about the event,,,you are the one that's 100% wrong,, Lisa was playing with herself for a long time while looking at her phone,, towards the end she could't take it anymore and just went for it and made herself cum,,that's the part you have been stuck on the very end of her orgasm.

By the way your 15 minutes of fame are now up Spock,,,, you will now be put back on the back burner with the rest of the unknowns by me right now,,it was a pleasure discussing a 25 second orgasm with you for the last 4 hours,,any further statements meant for me should be directed to the flame wars section I will no longer respond to you here, People are tired of us by now ::),, I have given you enough of my time today,,goodbye and have a nice day.:sleepy::sleepy:

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Just now, euromike69 said:

No he's correct about the event,,,you are the one that's 100% wrong,, Lisa was playing with herself for a long time while looking at her phone,, towards the end she could't take it anymore and just went for it and made herself cum,,that's the part you have been stuck on the very end of her orgasm.

By the way your 15 minutes of fame are now up Spock,,,, you will now be put back on the back burner with the rest of the unknowns by me right now,,it was a pleasure discussing a 25 second orgasm with you for the last 4 hours,,any further statements meant for me should be directed to the flame wars section I will no longer respond to you here, People are tired of us by now ::),, I have given you enough of my time today,,goodbye and have a nice day.:sleepy::sleepy:

I am talking about anna not lisa. 

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