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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

Europe is not USA, here you can't sue everyone for every little thing. A law says a balcony must have railing, and if it have, the landlord is not responsible if a person jumps.

OMG you mean people have to take responsibility for their own actions???  What a novice idea :exclamation:

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6 minutes ago, Spock said:

Perché? Se è ancora la verità, non può sbagliare scrivere. Tante cose in questo forum sono riscrittate. Ho anche nuovi argomenti. 

Questo è ciò che sono i forum. Così. Pensi che l'evento B1 oggi non fosse ancora un mostro falso?


Even this is not real Spock, it is not real to bring new kids home every time and do this show, the real life is to see what the girls do at home in their daily lives

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4 minutes ago, happyone said:

OMG you mean people have to take responsibility for their own actions???  What a novice idea :exclamation:

Why mock me, it was StnCl implying the landlords being responsible

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:


Even this is not real Spock, it is not real to bring new kids home every time and do this show, the real life is to see what the girls do at home in their daily lives

That is why i would like to see the barcelona apartments get closed and more roommate apartments opened.

I do not matter, as long as RLC has the barcelona apartments are there, i hope they will be as real as posible. Guests, for example, are a good sign. So there is still hope. :)

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6 minutes ago, Spock said:

Why? If it is still the truth, it can not be wrong to write about it. So many things in this forum are rewritten. I even have new arguments. 

That is what forums are about. So. Do you think the the B1 event today was not again a fake show?

Hey, guess what! There are other apartments with couples who live their real life. You can go watch those so they'll satisfy your need for "realness". Or, better yet, if RLC isn't satisfying your needs, it seems to me to be a waste of money to continue subscribing to something you hate this much. Why not cancel until some "real" girls come along.

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1 minute ago, Peanut_Brotha said:

Hey, guess what! There are other apartments with couples who live their real life. You can go watch those so they'll satisfy your need for "realness". Or, better yet, if RLC isn't satisfying your needs, it seems to me to be a waste of money to continue subscribing to something you hate this much. Why not cancel until some "real" girls come along.



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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

I never said they should forbid the girl to spend time outside the apartment. But I think RLC should make it clear, that intentional hiding, like bringing pillows to sit just outside the apartment, or going to a room without cam, such behaviour is not wanted. 

OK Girls, from now own you are not allowed to go into the bathroom downstairs in B1-no cam.  Cannot go to bathroom upstairs-no cam.

B2-cannot use bathroom toilet-no cam.  You all must bring a portable potty and sit in a free cam area to take a shit or pee :dodgy:

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1 minute ago, happyone said:

He is saying the same thing again over and over and over just like before when he was Mr. Box and got banned for the same BS over and over and over :angry:

Everything bold. So you must be right? ... Simply ridiculous. :(

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