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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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7 minutes ago, Spock said:

Nessun uomo a casa, nessuna ragazza a casa. ... Solo un inedito deco del partito che lampeggia per ricordare agli spettatori che cosa potrebbe essere questo posto, se ci sarebbe davvero una vita qui per reale.

Questo posto ha bisogno di alcuni ragazzi. Non solo per poche ore all'anno. 


Every time they bring the boys and party, it looks like a porn show where everyone tries us all, I prefer to watch the girls when they are alone

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5 minutes ago, Peanut_Brotha said:

That was happy's point :biggrin: We know for a fact it doesn't exist on either, but the members of "Speculation Nation" on this forum choose to not believe it to explain why the girls go out for short periods of time.

Right, just tired of hearing about it

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10 minutes ago, Mauri said:


Every time they bring the boys and party, it looks like a porn show where everyone tries us all, I prefer to watch the girls when they are alone

That is becuse they actually have just this stupid teasing shows. BTW, As long as there is not sex, it simply do not fit to call them porn show.

Anyway, The right guys would make this apartments way fun for the girls as it is now. Maybe, they would even stay at home for a couple of nights and start to life a little there.


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6 minutes ago, Spock said:

Questo è becuse hanno in realtà solo questo stupido spettacoli presa in giro. BTW, Finché non c'è sesso, semplicemente non si adattano a chiamarli spettacolo porno.

In ogni caso, le persone giuste renderebbe questo divertente appartamenti modo per le ragazze come lo è ora. Forse, avrebbero anche rimanere a casa per un paio di notti e iniziare a vita un po 'là.


even if there was sex, it would not be real. having a new kid every day, beyond what they do, is not real life, having those shows with kids at home occasionally where they try to kiss or fuck all the girls, for me it is not real, it's all organized by them and not from RLC only to take money from our registrations, and they can do it very well without guys at home

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11 minutes ago, Mauri said:

even if there was sex, it would not be real. having a new kid every day, beyond what they do, is not real life, having those shows with kids at home occasionally where they try to kiss or fuck all the girls, for me it is not real, it's all organized by them and not from RLC only to take money from our registrations, and they can do it very well without guys at home

It is more real as it is without guys at all. Please understand, i do not want this stupid teasing shows or sex party like events.

Do you remember the last teasing show in B2. Here i would have like to see the interaction after the "party". ... but ... They left, came back and left again with the pillows. I do not think they had sex this night, but i would still have like to see the interaction. Somebody always say I just want to see the sex. That was never true. Sure i would like it more as just only some talking, but it would be better as this bullshit shows they give all the time. Also with just the girls in the apartments.

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25 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

I do not find guys to be fun watching either. But if the girls are attractive, then you'll see guys. That's in the nature of things.

And if you're a guy, you'll take the girl out for a night on the town or to the beach when the weather is nice.

It all comes with the territory and vicissitudes of RLC.

Vicissitudes, eh? Methinks someone bought himself a dictionary. ;-)

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28 minutes ago, Spock said:

È più reale in quanto è senza ragazzi affatto. Si prega di comprendere, non voglio che questo stupido spettacolo di scherzo o festa di sesso come eventi.

Ti ricordi l'ultimo spettacolo di teasing in B2. Qui vorrei vedere l'interazione dopo la festa. ... ma ... si sono lasciati, sono tornati e sono andati di nuovo con i cuscini. Non penso che avessero sesso questa notte, ma avrei ancora voluto vedere l'interazione. Qualcuno dice sempre che voglio solo vedere il sesso. Non era mai vero. Certo che mi piacerebbe più come solo un po 'di parlare, ma sarebbe meglio come questa stronzate dimostra che danno tutto il tempo. Anche con le ragazze negli appartamenti.


at home parties, they seem like (Derogatory), did you see Irina last night? for apples is a false girl in her gestures, movements, and how she behaves, I do not like to see them like that

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46 minutes ago, happyone said:

Probably so, but they just might show Renata the rooftop terrace on their way :dodgy:

Happy, that is not really a sarcastic emoticon, not in a humorous way at least. It's named "dodgy" and will in most cases (at least in the places I've been) be seen more like being slightly negative and suspicious. Strangely enough, this site doesn't have a real sarcastic emoticon, the equivalent of ;-)

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2 minutes ago, Spoon said:

Happy, that is not really a sarcastic emoticon, not in a humorous way at least. It's named "dodgy" and will in most cases (at least in the places I've been) be seen more like being slightly negative and suspicious. Strangely enough, this site doesn't have a real sarcastic emoticon, the equivalent of ;-)

it is what I think a lot of us agreed to use as such on a long time ago--

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23 minutes ago, Mauri said:


at home parties, they seem like (Derogatory),did you see Irina last night? for apples is a false girl in her gestures, movements, and how she behaves, I do not like to see them like that

It was not a real party, just again a teasing show they performed for the cams. .. This do not mean that guys are an issue. It mean that RLC need to cast people that actually life there for real (without all this show).

Just to have apartments without guys, keep also the real life of the girls outside. 

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7 minutes ago, Spock said:

Non è stata una vera festa, ancora una volta uno spettacolo di teasing che hanno eseguito per le camme. Questo non significa che i ragazzi siano un problema. Significa che il RLC deve lanciare persone che in realtà vivono lì per reale (senza tutto questo spettacolo).

Solo per avere appartamenti senza ragazzi, tenere anche la vita reale delle ragazze al di fuori. 


every party they make at home, both with each other and with boys, always have a basis for sexual provocation between them, and this is not normal in real life, so I repeat, I prefer to see a party of only girls

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