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Stacy, Xenia, Gary & Dora

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24 minutes ago, PENSIVE BLUEYES said:

My lead isn't the sharpest in the pencil drawer, but I think I figured out the problem.  They are  eating too many carbohydrates and the metabolism has been reduced to that of a sick cockroach on its back.  You know the sight, every once and a while, they try to turn over but cant, so they go back to sleep.  I have a feeling this may be the next apartment available.  Who do you want to see in their apartment after SXGD leave of course?

remember when they used to have a lot of sex here! (thanks to rhdem)


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1 hour ago, PENSIVE BLUEYES said:

My lead isn't the sharpest in the pencil drawer, but I think I figured out the problem.  They are  eating too many carbohydrates and the metabolism has been reduced to that of a sick cockroach on its back.  You know the sight, every once and a while, they try to turn over but cant, so they go back to sleep.  I have a feeling this may be the next apartment available.  Who do you want to see in their apartment after SXGD leave of course?

Hehe.The problem it's that they know they didn't need to do nothing that their manager doesn't care with that,other it's that all of them are doing all the intime stuff(like sex)outside the house and of cams,think Jeka hires this persons to please him(in other place)and absoluty not VH users.Sad to see VHTV letting all this happening.

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1 hour ago, Rhdem said:

i guess Jeka have the money for next month  :biggrin:

Amazing how this residents and the manager are totaly joking VH clients.They do nothing for an intire month and right of the end of month they bring an guest to dance or what she it's doing..tomorrow VH gona put in twitter..funny partie with ladies or something,serious maybe it's not only the residents and manager joking with us...

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4 hours ago, Rhdem said:

so is she the apt "resuscitator" ? ... i'm crying :biggrin:


Yes it's almost patetic.And don't know if everyone notice the only time they are all in the house for some hours and in livingrrom it's mostly when the end of month aproasches.Probably They learned this from their manager..that appears an couple days a week in his own pace then vanish next day..it's like they are saying..see..we are present and active..but they ARENT.And again in three,four days they gona be paid..amazingly for doing nothing.Well they do..the joke with clients.

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