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13 minutes ago, ze81 said:


Good example! But initially it was all open. Layne wrote in the topic and in official newsletter - boyfriend Teya will arrive in 2-3 weeks at open apt. If VH/Jeka declare full information here, then there will be more understanding and less hated.

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28 minutes ago, groomy said:

Good example! But initially it was all open. Layne wrote in the topic and in official newsletter - boyfriend Teya will arrive in 2-3 weeks at open apt. If VH/Jeka declare full information here, then there will be more understanding and less hated.

100% agree.Just like you said we knew the things and even Layne interact with us etc,and the result of that was an place that in the first weeks had lots of bad coments and opinions to an good place,and that was Totaly reflected in the coments.Now were..what we got from the start was the initial VH description of the place that when the house opened absoluty nothing described there happened.They must build an trust connection with the people watching,but they from day one ,and because their acts and beyavours are doing exactly the oposite.

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1 minute ago, jabbath1987 said:




I think its much worse now. Blind spots got even bigger actually

Think the case it's lost..just my personal opinion..a lot more important than changing the living rooms angle would be..have an very seriously talk to all residents,so that for exemple we don't see as regulary what we seen again today(that all ten girls took showers back to cams).And of course get rid of all those blind spots,but with zero news cams that will not be fixed.

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I think Jeka should hire a professional to sort out the cams mess and he should do what he does best i.e. hammer girls with his tool.Cam setup is clearly not his forte.

Jeka..grab a girl or 2 and fuck the living daylights out of them..oops forgot the beer..:biggrin:

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The blonde in livingroom seems to be watching VH..maybe she will nearn how to act..tip..reading books all the time is not the way.lol..she it's watching an video of them all in bed and she seems to be liking it..well at least one person enjoy it.

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