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Nina & Kira ~ Chat Comments and Quotes Aug. 2017 to December 2017

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The girls arrived home together last night, not too late, yet looking a little subdued.  Unusually, they went off to bed within about twenty minutes, and more importantly they went off to bed together, Nina did not stay up on her own. 

I think she may be feeling unwell, going down with the Flu perhaps.  She was sleeping on the couch earlier and I wanted to throw a blanket over her, give her a big hug, and then go and make her a bowl of chicken soup.  I think it's what mums all over the world do when they see a loved one is poorly.  She also dressed in her little chicken outfit for bed, possibly feeling the cold now that autumn/fall is upon us.  They are both wearing thicker coats and hats now when they go out anywhere, I think the snows are soon due.

It could be that they have an early start in the morning (Saturday) and need to get some sleep.


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I am going to post something a little off topic But on topic. In the western media Ukraine is reported as been a bit of a backwater I'd like to take this opportunity and dispel this myth i dont know if your allowd to post a youtube clip here but what the hell the last 5 min of this clip and guy tells you about Kiev, Ukraine: past war German occupation and  the Soviet Union saving them the fall of communism and the current war after watching this 20 minute clip you will come away with a new appreciation for the Ukraine and know the true Ukraine


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6 hours ago, le5b05 said:

I can understand your reasoning here, but not convinced.  Yes they live in an apartment building but I think it is on the ground floor.  When it is dark in the morning, you can occasionally see reflected in the photograph on the wall, opposite cam 3, someone walking past the window.  Also when a car drives past the lights shine though the window on an almost level keel, rather than upwards towards the ceiling.

There are two windows along the wall.  One behind the keyboard and the other next to cam 2, this has the balcony where they sometimes stand and have a smoke.  Thankfully Nina has given up the cigarettes and is now vaping, it is a step in the right direction and the girl deserves praise for this.

I was wondering about the reference to Kiev, I have no idea which city they live in, to be honest I thought it was Russia somewhere.  This would tally with my inability to translate much of their discussions as I have been using the wrong language in Google translate.  Some of the words I have identified have translated better from Ukranian, so maybe this is where they live? 

If "Roksis" is dropping in on these posts, perhaps he/she could help us out a little here, and point us in the right direction.  I also owe "Roksis" a big personal thank you and a reward, for the post made a few weeks ago, it is on that post and my own observations, where I formulated my theory No 2 the other day as to what was happening in their lives.  see page 25.

As this is also the theory that had the least amount of denials, then we can (POSSIBLY) assume I was not too far off the mark.  One thing is certain, Nina is growing up as a woman, she is more loving and attentive towards Kira and she is actually begining to grow on me.  For without a doubt as far as I am concerned these two girls are the most beautiful ladies on rlc.

They are in St. Petersburg

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OK.  Thanks for that!  I owe you yet again, one day soon I will find a way to repay you, just gotta figure out how.  If you want anything let me know.

So with St P, being over 1000km further North then my next posting became more relevant, as it 's going to get a damn lot colder.  Though telling this to someone in Canada is a bit futile, as you will know already (is that the jewish in me coming out)?:biggrin:

According to sat24.com the temp in St P, is barely going to reach 10c today, so the snow will come sooner rather than later.  As for Canada, one of my favorite comedians is Katherine Ryan, she is brilliant.  I think she once described Canada as having only two Seasons, Winter and waiting for it :biggrin:.


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Ooops! My posts are out chronological order there.  When I logged in I went straight to notifications which missed out the 2 posts from Chris b.  Hope this is not confusing you too much folks.

I was wrong (I know, it happens a lot) about the early start today, they are still tucked up in bed together, Kira naked, Yum Yum, and Nina in her chick suit.  I hope I am wrong about Nina's health too and that she is not going down with the Flu.  I know she can be a bit fragile at times healthwise, bless her.:angel:

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Nina and Kira have been asleep now for about 12 hours straight, and this for two girls who do not really need their "beauty" sleep, beautiful enough already.  Well as for me, no amount of sleep would be enough to get anywhere close, yep, no one can accuse me of being beautiful, must try harder:biggrin::biggrin:.


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The girls are up now 13:45 their time, and I am in big big trouble.:confused:

There has just been a remarkable show of affection from Nina to Kira, she sarted it as soon as she put down the ipad which they had been looking at together.  It was delicious to watch, with Kira smiling a LOT.  Whispered sweet nothings to each other and squeals of delight.:heart:

So, Why am I in trouble?  The change of attitude in Nina is astonishing.  Way beyond what I thought she was capable of.  Nina is now so full of surprises to me that I am going to have to re-think my appraisel of her.  Therein lies the problem.

I am going to have to eat some of my words from past posts, I am going to have to eat soooo much "Humble pie" that the pounds will pile on to my hips and waistline with incredible speed.  Oh dear so many "calories".:biggrin:



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1 hour ago, le5b05 said:

The girls are up now 13:45 their time, and I am in big big trouble.:confused:

There has just been a remarkable show of affection from Nina to Kira, she sarted it as soon as she put down the ipad which they had been looking at together.  It was delicious to watch, with Kira smiling a LOT.  Whispered sweet nothings to each other and squeals of delight.:heart:

So, Why am I in trouble?  The change of attitude in Nina is astonishing.  Way beyond what I thought she was capable of.  Nina is now so full of surprises to me that I am going to have to re-think my appraisel of her.  Therein lies the problem.

I am going to have to eat some of my words from past posts, I am going to have to eat soooo much "Humble pie" that the pounds will pile on to my hips and waistline with incredible speed.  Oh dear so many "calories".:biggrin:



She's been this way for a day or 2 now. Lastnight, just before Kira left(maybe going to work?) Nina was all over her, hugs, kisses, both laughing. She even gave Kira a playful kick up the butt as she went out the door.

15:35 Both gone out, all wrapped up warm.

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3 hours ago, Calatilla76 said:

She's been this way for a day or 2 now. Lastnight, just before Kira left(maybe going to work?) Nina was all over her, hugs, kisses, both laughing. She even gave Kira a playful kick up the butt as she went out the door.

15:35 Both gone out, all wrapped up warm.

Shame on me I missed this.  Sounded like they are having fun again, oh please let this continue, they both look so much happier now.::)

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