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Katie & Phil, Lena & Peter

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1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:

My wife hobby is going out to eat, but it has to be a fine dinning restaurant, also she like shopping for shoes & purses. When not doing the above activities she likes watching TV.

That's great, sounds like she gets what she wants, and i'm all for that!  As far as these 4 go, they probably can't afford much, just getting out of the house is my point. I like to sit around when i get home from work and watch tv, but i'm out all day with other people than Guy. If we were together all day long every day, he would have killed me a long time ago. Just being cooped up like they are makes it hard to even have a conversation, what do you talk about?

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5 minutes ago, fasterboss said:

in my opinion the complex was the biggest mistake of alex lina, these couples exhausted all possibilities of something happening different,

I think theyr'e in anew area for them, and probably don't know anyone, so having guests is a problem, and to survive on VH , you need to have different guests over that will mess around in the shower and cum in the tub, have sex on your bed, walk around in their underwear, and possibly have sex with the hosts themselves. Oh and see the guests  after sex in the shower, use the towel hanging there to clean up, then put it back. Lol

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Door closed, can’t even see a naked foot! They are shutting out potential viewers when they close the door. Hello! @AlexLina for goodness sakes please suggest they leave the door open. People passing by are just going to assume they are asleep or not at home. It’s not like free users are going to get to see much anyways. It’s just smart to leave the door open. 

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7 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

Today. But they could stand a little variety. I still think a little soft swapping wouldn't hurt. The girls allready started. Otherwise there's not much hope for them.

I guess they didn't do it... but something like we saw at old couch from A&A may be a way to start... 2 couples, girls in the middle kissing and touching and guys behind them 

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