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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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RLC last night is 100% proof that we no longer need Lola,,, she has went from being a tenant to just being a fucking squatter,,, What is her purpose here?Free up the space for fresh blood,,,,she did her time now it's time for her to move on,,,or take her out back and put her down,,she is close to retirement age Yes she did her think on her Second tour with the aid of the bearded Ape,,,but she has lost her magic (get it magic water lol )B#1 and  B#2 can do just fine without her,,, Polya was her sidekick and you just saw what happened when Polya finally left,,,we had an historical night,,,and that's without any influence from the golden girls Polya and Lola. I do like the occasional veteran girls returning like Irma and Jasmin,,,but you have to give us enough time to miss them like 1yr and a half,,,they are coming back too soon,,,and their term limits need to be cut down to 30 days, 60 days if they are very interesting or actually doing something fun and exciting. Too many times we have girls who return who are too burnt out and no longer care to do anything, they know how the system works and they know just how little or how much they can get away with doing. We need young fresh ladies who are eager to please. And last but not least,,either cut off access to the roof,,,or put some cameras up there so I'll stop hearing about all the sex orgies happening out there.

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