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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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4 minutes ago, menouscope2015 said:

To be honest, I still wonder what Zlata is doing in RLC Project ?   She's doing absolutely nothing, all her days are on the couch and/or the bed... she looks nice, but that's all 

I like Zlata, as a person, and I loved the way she fended off that gorilla at the party, but she hasn't moved on from her 1st day. That's up to her I'm afraid but what I can't understand is the fact she doesn't even go out much to so some sightseeing. Instead she stays indoors, in lovely weather, in a fantastic city, and would rather watch TV or read...:huh:

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7 minutes ago, Calatilla76 said:

Lola, Zlata und Irina haben nichts getan, da sie ankamen.


5 minutes ago, menouscope2015 said:

Lola sollte Zlata vor gelassen haben, eine lange Zeit sollte verlassen, weil sie nichts tut und Irina sollte verlassen, weil sie nie da ist ... Bitte RLC, 3 oder 4 neue Mädchen so schnell wie möglich! 

Replay is not necessary, there are no scenens

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there are 9 minutes nagachilli2 said:

Zlata I like, in as long as anyone, and I loved the Way Whose She pushed the Kermesse this gorilla, but not shake on IT Has son of the first day. To her, I'm afraid, I do ce But what I do not understand is the fact she will Saami not much to the town Done visit. Instead of CELA, the interior It remains, in the Rain, dans une fantastic, and watching Would Rather ... read e TV:huh:

How strange it Reminds me someone and something that behavior :angel:


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2 minutes ago, Calatilla76 said:

The most interesting thing that's happened was when Irina and Lola returned from a night out with 2 guys. But as we all know, nothing came of it because nothing interesting ever happens in B2

not quite true---at least nothing interesting recently--but we have had some very interesting times before the current cast arrived.

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