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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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17 minutes ago, Spock said:

It is not about the apartment. It is the concept that is not working.

Lola is the best example. She is at this place for months, seems to have a very active life, but this seems not to be connected with this apartment for real. As long as the girls just give shows instead of living at this place, it is better to close this apartment or have a restart.


I do want that Lola leaves RLC as soon as possible but to be fair even if she has some activites outside (photoshot, friends, boyfriends, beach and shopping ) , her life in the apartment is more standard.

Did you watch B1 last 2 months ?  it's a joke. The girs spend overnight outside 5 days a week. They come back between 7 am and 12 am, sleep 9 hours and watch TV before going out again for another overnight

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5 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

Humor is something that is severely lacking in this forum. To many in here take RLC and themselves to seriously.  

Wie wahr , wie wahr !

Scheinbar haben viele User in diesem Forum kein anderes Leben neben RLC ! :biggrin: :huh: 

How true how true !

Apparently, many users in this forum have no other life next to RLC! :biggrin: :huh:

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24 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

I do want that Lola leaves RLC as soon as possible but to be fair even if she has some activites outside (photoshot, friends, boyfriends, beach and shopping ) , her life in the apartment is more standard.

Did you watch B1 last 2 months ?  it's a joke. The girs spend overnight outside 5 days a week. They come back between 7 am and 12 am, sleep 9 hours and watch TV before going out again for another overnight

Volle Zustimmung, "B1" ist zur Zeit eine "Katastrophe" , Gerne auch Renata in "B2" , Lola "Go Home"  oder im Tausch zu "B1" !! 

Aber wohl alles nur ein "Wunsch Traum"  

Full approval, "B1" is currently a "disaster", Renata in "B2", Lola "Go Home" or in exchange for "B1" !!  :huh: But probably only a "dream"

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Just now, phantomcapsnet said:

I do want that Lola leaves RLC as soon as possible but to be fair even if she has some activites outside (photoshot, friends, boyfriends, beach and shopping ) , her life in the apartment is more standard.

Did you watch B1 last 2 months ?  it's a joke. The girs spend overnight outside 5 days a week. They come back between 7 am and 12 am, sleep 9 hours and watch TV before going out again for another overnight

Yes. B1 is a joke.

... but ...

Just because there is an apartment that is even worse than B2 do not make B2 a success. 

... and ...

Lola is in the cast for serveral months and i still do not think that we ever saw a part of her real life. It is an issue with the concept.

Sure, photoshots do not belong to this place and i also do not miss them at all. It is about the other things that are missing. Friends and Boyfriends are the most  obvious part of their real life that is keep outside. There was a short time of change when a few guests suddenly showed up. I did not liked the show they had in the beginning (instant party with dancing and dry humping), but as they got in contact for real (just talking) it started to be a part of there real life. Just before they have decided to leave the apartment, come back just to leave again with pillows and drings and keep all this away from the cams again. 

This concept of this apartments can only work, if the residents agree to it. As long as they life outside only, the apartments will be dead. Lola belong to the group of girls that do not agree with the cocept any more. That is why i do not understand her almost endless stay at this place, when girls that actually improved the situation leave after a term just about a month. 

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two weeks left by subscibing to rlc i do not know if i have any pleasure in rlc more i wonder if rlc have nightclubs that girls work on and girls who brought men home with drugs and alcohol i think i will take a break from rlc now in two weeks but i also subscribe to camarads start to be similar to catubate   i miss real voyeur 

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9 minutes ago, Spock said:

That is why i do not understand her almost endless stay at this place, when girls that actually improved the situation leave after a term just about a month. 

Some Girls that have never been on RLC before only sign for 1 Month to see what it's like. Then if they come back a Second time they usually stay longer.

If they stay 3 Months they may have to be with someone who has a Holier Than Thou Attitude and no one gets along. Then they have to wait till someone leaves the other place before they can switch.

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