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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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3 hours ago, happyone said:

It's all for show-just teasing you to believe that she is really smart-it''s a game :dodgy:

But she is working on a real life puzzle :biggrin:

It is a fake puzzel, just to tease us but I think they have real puzzels when they go out on the rooftop, maybe they even build Lego up there, but such things is kept outside only! :tongue:

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Je donne le chiffre "0" pour Barcelone1. Il est à peine 21h, et toutes les filles sont au lit à dormir... Visiblement, elles ont beaucoup de sommeil à rattraper, à force de sortir toutes les nuits, ou alors c'est l'alcool qui a fait ses effets ce soir!! toujours est-il que ce n'est pas agrèable de regarder cet appart vide de toute vie avec d'aussi belles nanas présentés, toutes présentes, mais en dormant dans les bras de Morphées!

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4 hours ago, happyman88 said:

Have you read the latest RLC newsletter received today. Some great news for all us Sofie devotees - they reckon she will be back in the future but no date given or to which apartment so that has to be good news  ::) :heart: 

Also Ilona and Time will be there for about 3 months and if last night was anything to go by they will be totally knackered by then and after her performance it just shows what she might have been up to when she was here as a single out on the town. Who would have thought our dear Ilona was a swallower - well nearly since she spat it out in the bathroom sink :biggrin:

Evening guys..It's hardly surprising RLC having Sofie back...She was a star pupil...:heart:..Great news...:biggrin:

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