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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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I have received a PM from Harley. He is fine.  He just got his Services back so he can get on the Internet.  He said he'll be off for a little while longer but he'll catch up on the reading part and comment later on as he's in the midst of Rebuilding his Home from the effects left by Hurricane Harvey.

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il y a 11 minutes, StnCld316 a dit :

J'ai reçu un PM de Harley. Il va bien. Il vient d'obtenir ses services en arrière afin qu'il puisse obtenir sur Internet. Il a dit qu'il sera hors d'un peu de temps mais il va rattraper son retard de la part de la lecture et des commentaires plus tard comme il est au milieu de la reconstruction de son domicile des effets laissés par l'ouragan Harvey.

thank you Stone and I wish good luck to Harley

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Hurricane Irma is currently ripping the Caribbean apart and it's Category 5 Hurricane. It's on the move and once Irma hits the Warmer Waters it will only gather more strength and Unleash Hell. Florida is in the path of being the Next US State to be hit by Hurricane Irma and it will be a lot worse than what Texas received. 

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2 minutes ago, martyen said:

hope that everything''arranged for him quickly

Governments have a Contingency Plan in place for when Disaster Hits and also most home owners would also have Insurance to help them rebuild. When you get 3 or 4 Feet of Water it takes awhile to recover fully.

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