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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #2

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Anyone knows/notice if their bed/mattress was replaced in the last days??? 

Because i notice that when Nina was away.. Serena was only used at that bedroom to satisfy Alan the master and be fucked... She wasn't 'allowed' to sleep there having to sleep all days at the 'comfortable' couch of the living room (even that she already had sleep at bedroom many times). According to the "public relations" of the Siberian houses here on CC, she was sleeping at the couch because the bed causes pain in her back.


On 16/11/2017 at 12:42 AM, Sparkles said:

ahaha so he fucks her at the bedroom and then she goes to sleep in the couch??? was just an unload job.. she should get a man and let the child alone in the bedroom 


On 16/11/2017 at 5:25 AM, snag said:

Serena says she does not like sleeping on the bed in the bedroom with Nina and Alan, because the back hurts from this bed.

But now, since she came back from the suddenly vacations, she spent more or less 36H in two days laying down at that same bed... Guess the bed/mattress was changed 

image.jpg image.jpg


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I think we have little to observe about these two. After all the day, at its end or better at the beginning of the day after Nina was already in bed lying next to Sereja and rises and will "rape" Alan who was lying on the living room sofa.:heart:

Need I say more? Even being a "quickie before bed" the gesture alone already complements and much the feeling between these two.:cool:

And the one that most keep me in attention and how the body of Alan (all of it) reacts and fast, to the touches of Nina.
However simple they may be.

Golfer, please, do not forget file. hehehehe::)

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