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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes October 2017

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Renata has already relaxed the mood in "B2" by her presence alone.
Despite everything, I have the feeling. that Nita wants to keep any "contact" from himself.
Leona without Nita would be different in the girls' group.

Victoria today again very "sweet", but whether here what with Renata results? I think no,
but they will at least talk with each other.


Renata hat schon allein durch ihre Anwesenheit die Stimmung in "B2" aufgelockert.
Trotz allem, ich habe das Gefühl. dass Nita jedem "Kontakt" von sich halten will.
Leona ohne Nita würde sich anders in die Gruppe der Mädchen einbringen.

Victoria heute wieder sehr "süß" , aber ob sich hier was mit Renata ergibt? Ich denke nein, aber sie werden zumindest mit einander sprechen.

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3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Don't know if he'll be back or not.  He wasn't there for the Twins specifically last time.  I believe he was influenced by one of the other girls at the time.

Time will tell the tale.

The main reason I don't wanna see Irma return.

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