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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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They came in and went to their room...shut the door and left the new girl alone sitting at the table.  Now she is in her room with the door closed.  Wow what great interaction... congrats RLC you are repeating the same shitty mistake over again.  Isolate one girl while the others team up. 

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2 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

They came in and went to their room...shut the door and left the new girl alone sitting at the table.  Now she is in her room with the door closed.  Wow what great interaction... congrats RLC you are repeating the same shitty mistake over again.  Isolate one girl while the others team up. 

do you think it is due to RLC managment if Bea and Neia don't talk  to Dominica ?

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7 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

Ils entrèrent et allèrent dans leur chambre ... fermèrent la porte et laissèrent la nouvelle fille seule assise à la table. Maintenant, elle est dans sa chambre avec la porte fermée. Wow quelle bonne interaction ... Félicitations RLC vous répétez la même erreur merdique encore. Isoler une fille pendant que les autres font équipe. 

they did not even say "hello" ???
And this morning, it seems to me that twins have not said goodbye to Cher and Regina?

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9 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

do you think it is due to RLC managment if Bea and Neia don't talk  to Dominica ?

of course not---that is the fault of Bea and Neia--they really are mostly anti social with other girls 

some people do not think before they comment

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7 minutes ago, happyone said:

of course not---that is the fault of Bea and Neia--they really are mostly anti social with other girls 

some people do not think before they comment

I think that you are commenting in order to bait an argument and that you know very well what I mean.  It is not the direct responsibility of RLC that they do not interact, but rather it is their responsibility to communicate to the participants ahead of time what the expectations are.  After all, they are being given a free vacation to do nothing?

It's basic fuckng management 101.  But then some people are just blind or thick I guess.

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2 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

Bien sûr, ils l'ont fait. Les jumeaux, Sher et Regina étaient tous les deux ensemble les 20 dernières minutes avant que Sher et Regina ne partent définitivement. Gros câlin

good, ok. I did not see. Thank you

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10 minutes ago, happyone said:

of course not---that is the fault of Bea and Neia--they really are mostly anti social with other girls 

some people do not think before they comment

According to my observation it is mainly Bea who seems to avoid other girls. Bea has a strong personality so i suppose that sometime Neia acts like her

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