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Angie, Glasha, Sonya - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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Just now, corboblanc said:

le gars est simplement un sexfriend pour glasha et angie, il n'y a pas de sentiments, juste du sexe quand elles le désire!!!! je ne sais pas comment elles font pour avoir le même homme pour le sexe, mais en tout cas, il n'y a pas de jalousie!!!

the guy is just a sexfriend for glasha and angie, there is no feelings, just sex when they want it !!!! I do not know how they do to have the same man for sex, but in any case, there is no jealousy !!!

i dont think so...if that was the case...then there was no need for glasha to hide herself in her room for 16 hrs... then when she woke up..she was sitting with her face towards the wall, in the sitting room...with her head on the sofa backrest...she kept looking down till he left then she stood up to go to the kitchen...and now when he came...she didnt even look up...what you are saying, is definitely the guy's fantasy....its not about love...but more about ego and insult...its like the guy saying...she is hotter than you so i choose her or vice versa

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à l’instant, Zinc a dit :

Je ne pense pas que si ... si tel était le cas ... alors il n'y avait pas besoin de Glasha de se cacher dans sa chambre pendant 16 heures ... alors quand elle se up..she était assis avec son visage vers le mur , dans le salon ... avec sa tête sur le dossier du sofa ... elle regardait vers le bas jusqu'à ce qu'il quitte alors elle se leva pour aller à la cuisine ... et maintenant quand il est venu ... elle n'a pas même lever les yeux ... ce que vous dites, est sans aucun doute le fantasme du gars .... ce ne est pas l'amour ... mais plus sur moi et insulte ... son comme le gars dire ... elle est plus chaud que vous choisissez donc je lui ou vice versa

nous savons que le gars à fait du sexe avec glasha et angie, et qu'elles sont ok pour le partager!!! cela s'appelle un sexfriend.....

we know that the guy has sex with glasha and angie, and they are ok to share it !!! it's called a sexfriend

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Just now, news49 said:

Il n'est pas méchant abuse pas ^^

yeah but he is trashy playboy type...sonya is too innocent for him...but i dare say...after seeing all the sex and hookups recently...she may be under peer pressure to try something herself as well...i am telling u..if this guy gets about 2 hrs alone with her in the apartment...he will try to seduce her...he seems to like going after girls that are a little reserves..that is why he was seducing natalia as well...trying to open her up...

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Just now, Zinc said:

yeah but he is trashy playboy type...sonya is too innocent for him...but i dare say...after seeing all the sex and hookups recently...she may be under peer pressure to try something herself as well...i am telling u..if this guy gets about 2 hrs alone with her in the apartment...he will try to seduce her...he seems to like going after girls that are a little reserves..that is why he was seducing natalia as well...trying to open her up...

if natalia is that 4th girl, isn't that what locks on apartments are for?  to keep people like her out?  SECURITY!

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Just now, Zinc said:

.sonya is too innocent for him...but i dare say...after seeing all the sex and hookups recently...she may be under peer pressure to try something herself as well...

Sonya was the first girl to have sex in this apartment.

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Just now, timber said:

Sonya was the first girl to have sex in this apartment.

yeah things have moved fast since then...she has been pretty much alone...limited male attention...and that sex was very natural..it was a proper hookup...i know sonya is very open...she allowed that rockstar to sleep with her and touch her...infact she might be the only bisexual in the apartment as well..just a guess..but i dont want this guy touching her...

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