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Ary & George Part #1

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5 hours ago, Sparkles said:



Some folks love having their cats and dogs right there when they messing around. There was a story of a man whos cat attacked his privates while having sex, the author was named Claude Balls.

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22 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

No, Ary and George. 
The guests are sleeping at guestroom and started the sex a little bit before them

Ok..thanks. May be I should start watching other apartments than Linda and Leon..lol

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56 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Thx for the pics Sparkles! Went to go see Star Wars and missed all of this. I also agree with the comments you made. This a very good apt to watch on VH from the perspective of a voyeur. 

How was Star Wars? I'm not a huge fan, but over the course of the next few months i plan to watch them in chronological order, not theatrical release order. I love sci-fi, but when the 2d three came out i couldn't get into it for whatever rerason.

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1 hour ago, ashleyxyz said:

How was Star Wars? I'm not a huge fan, but over the course of the next few months i plan to watch them in chronological order, not theatrical release order. I love sci-fi, but when the 2d three came out i couldn't get into it for whatever rerason.

Meh! I can't stand all of the outlandish bullshit like Princess Leia able to survive in open space. Ridiculous! I also cannot fathom why Luke would have lost faith in the force simply because one of his students went bad. Seriously if he has that little faith in the force, how was he ever able to use it. For real! The whole story line with the black guy and and the asian girl was totally pointless and just stupid idea so that they could have a casino scene with silly puppets. Most of it is just one impossible situation after another. I found it to rather intellectually weak and nonsensical. 1.5 stars! 

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