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Leora & Paul - General Chat Topic (Jan - Apr. 2018)

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See I was asleep after the events of last night elsewhere and while I was catching up on the first one although thanks to Replay the short first part in the LR was impossible to watch, when hey presto she was at again with a long slow symphony of enjoyment - not sure how many movements but it moved me several timesĀ :biggrin:

Double Thank The Goddess

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On ā€Ž2018ā€Ž-ā€Ž03ā€Ž-ā€Ž16 at 8:12 AM, Mcdonland said:

Leora sit on it -

Slow video encoder - and no sound - but good action

(Video Content No Longer Available)

Thank you, hope you get bandicam sorted out til next time if that was your cap, someone must have a better one?!? There's juices running from her pussy down over her asshole, I will never be able to lick it up, but atleast I wanna see it in better framerateĀ :heart:

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Leora has put the new vacuum to work, to expedite the cleaning of the apartment. Eva has her attention and is generating smiles .May" TheĀ  Goddess" have a happy day doing what ever she wishes to do. Ā :shy:

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