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Leora & Paul - General Chat Topic (Jan - Apr. 2018)

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13 hours ago, Howard said:

It's obviously a cultural 'thing'. But if my g/f sat with me at a table or couch in nothing but her birthday suit (or even sexy panties & a bra), I couldn't concentrate on anything she would have to say (we've tried - I see her lips move but don't hear any words). How Paul can carry on a conversation with Leora beside him naked is....If that can't make little Paul come to attention, then he's dead down there (figuratively speaking).

Serious question for those who live outside the US and/or Canada, is it customary for either sex to sit across from each other and carry on a conversation wearing (next to) nothing (I'm not talking typical sleepwear)?

I agree any woman who sits around like that with her partner is at risk of assault with a friendly weapon, except in certain parts of Russia it seems

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14 hours ago, Howard said:

Serious question for those who live outside the US and/or Canada, is it customary for either sex to sit across from each other and carry on a conversation wearing (next to) nothing (I'm not talking typical sleepwear)?

Not at all, as far as I know. I live in Slovakia and I've never seen (or heard about) any couple behave (clothes-wise) the way couples on rlc do. It's definitely not customary to wear nothing but underwear, or walk around topless, for most of the day. Although I can't deny it's pleasing to the eye :)

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