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Foxy, Kira - Part #1

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1 hour ago, astat_lis said:

the Russians are very arrogant. largely. it seems to me that they will melt away with the punishment from the site and start again to arrange "soda and gammor." At least I so want.
I registered here only in order not to miss their parties and express my opinion😂

Well !
I was following the party online, had to leave and when I returned the apartment was already out of line.

Fortunately however, I still had the preview of it stuck on my screen, because I had not updated the page.
So based on the comments that happened here in the forum I was able to literally scan the timeline and verify that what occurred was totally unknown to both.

I was anxiously waiting for the result of the investigation, which I myself had done in part.

So, I think they are a little collected, because parties like this, even with confidence to those who have made them vulnerable, and now without extra "lives" for a new occurrence.

Crazy parties, which possibly was the "order of the day" for this venue will have to be revised or better planned. As it was with NAS membership.

So reducing the number of guests and being more selective in order to proceed (including with attention to violence) in my understanding is the way for this project again to be able to move forward with its original intention.

And of course, be on the alert for the "moralists" on duty we have here (with or without third intentions).

And I use the term "moralists" in this way, because in other projects ( and competing sites)
we do not see the act, but we can very well interpret the attitudes and behaviors that make it evident from them, take place.

Antidopin examination is based on consequences of .And not on present practice practiced.


And welcome to our CC forum.
We need a lot of members to help us understand comments and attitudes in their mother tongue to avoid wrong and biased interpretations.

Of course, protecting your privacy (real names and confidential and personal comments).

Edited by thedbear
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1 hour ago, waldi said:

are you? I wouldn't. It'll be difficult for them to live with  fact  that anybody can denounce them at any time , so I wouldn't expect a lot in the future.

I sure hope they can return to have the sad diferent people in the house and do some of crazy stuff(less that thing we know),they And th manager don't want th place to b closed but they want to get people watching and interested,would be terrible if the only parties they can have it's with sna..fuck that..the best gun was their nice new guests and Seing them for first time.fingers crossed for this weekend.

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46 minutes ago, ze81 said:

I sure hope they can return to have the sad diferent people in the house and do some of crazy stuff(less that thing we know),they And th manager don't want th place to b closed but they want to get people watching and interested,would be terrible if the only parties they can have it's with sna..fuck that..the best gun was their nice new guests and Seing them for first time.fingers crossed for this weekend.

Ok, NAS really is a poor influence for the VH site.
By the way, we have this example. (notice mainly their behavior and expressions),


Look for something similar in other projects.

Oops, no need, we have one here (and again, compare behavior and expressions). And when it happened (date).



Sorry, again, No vengeful, Just insistent on what I believe.

With the word now the defense. The prosecution here is absent.:cool:

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1 hour ago, astat_lis said:


I am from Uzbekistan
sometimes I come to Russia for work, but I have no idea what part of Russia these people live in.
I have been monitoring VH homes for 6 months already. Of course, I saw everything, before that I liked the Dominican very much. And I also like to watch stefan. Very interesting personality.
but this new house has aroused even more interest and so far supports it.

they are somewhere in siberia.

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:


I think so too. because judging by their clothes - it's very cold there. and outside the loggia all the time the snow.
but they do not say where they are, how much I did not listen to their conversations.

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4 minutes ago, astat_lis said:

I do not understand some of the comments of English-speaking people here
this is all a language barrier that I will outgrow.

It is not really a problem,
When direct English is applied, this does not happen.

But in my case, that I have to do the translation, intended meanings, get misrepresented and lost without logic by Google Translate.

And as my personal brand and use phrases and words of double meaning and sarcasm, I think something is completely absurd.
Even though the translation seems right to me.

But from the reactions I have to my posts, I think I can spend at least more than 65% of what I want to express.

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3 minutes ago, astat_lis said:

I think so too. because judging by their clothes - it's very cold there. and outside the loggia all the time the snow.
but they do not say where they are, how much I did not listen to their conversations.

groomy understands them but would not name the city.

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