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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (April 2018)

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47 minutes ago, Sergio said:

Estoy aturdido, 40 páginas de comentarios y nada sucedió, tal vez anoche no pasó nada en todas las casas de los miembros de este foro, hoy expiró la suscripción

I already said it and commented to night. Nothing would happen, as it happened. But what the people expected ... they were planning a night out in the clubs. And they did that.
The thing was lengthened more than the account, but perhaps, because you had to try to solve something among the girls.
Anyway, Monica, was requested from outside the house, after giving a good view through the cameras. So, that she was happy and spent, all night outside the house. But that is not new, its behavior is already old.
The other girls, just spent the night outside, until their return ... or god, the most fascinating thing to comment, is that RLC fell for quite some time ...
Nothing happened, perhaps, nothing that made the comment

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34 minutes ago, Fagen said:

No estoy seguro de por qué ella está allí cuando los demás están durmiendo, o tal vez pensó que estaban todos despiertos. Debería mudarse, parece gustarle allí y tiene una llave y todo.

Sure they can check the repetition, but Tiena has no key, only Sofie opened the door. As I have always said, they are communicated by WhatsApp so they communicate without much effort.

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1 hour ago, Fagen said:

Not sure why she is even there when the others are sleeping, or maybe she thought they were all awake. She should just move in, she seems to like it there and has a key and everything.

I edit my post, she did not lock her self in,.. she was back from the roof and Rose let her in. 

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12 minutes ago, Noldus said:

I edit my post, she did not lock her self in,.. she was back from the roof and Rose let her in. 

Where can I see the roof cam? J/K

You guys seems to know when they go on the roof, or maybe just an assumption ::)

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Hace 1 minuto, Fagen dijo:

¿Dónde puedo ver la cámara del techo? J / K

Ustedes saben cuándo suben al techo, o tal vez solo solo suposición :)

It really is only a guess, in fact I am convinced that it is a wrong assumption, since many times, girls have been seen walking on the beach in front of the house.
In fact, the roof of that house, there are only air conditioning equipment, so why go up, if it really is not comfortable there?
On the other hand, Tiana, wearing a bikini this morning ... because so close to the sea and will not wear that bikini?

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