nicsjom Posted October 8, 2018 Posted October 8, 2018 The presence of visible cams in the rooms of the apartment can be interpreted as used to shoot videos or porn movies. The landlord can not legally allow the cams in his apartment and must warn the police who will seize the cameras and charge the landlord and occupants. If Russian pornographic production is very important, being caught can be very expensive. This is the reason why managers ask the occupants to hide the cameras to avoid confiscation. Arrangements are surely made between managers and landlords Examples of cameras dismantled or hidden before the landlord's visit can be found in the VHTv archives, especially for apartments managed by Alex and Lina. For Anna and Alex one of the last apartment in which the cams were hidden in urgency is the first apartment of Lisa and Chloe visiting remained standing in front of the camera placed on the TV screen during the visit of the landlord. The cams in Anastasia's first apartment were disastrously dismantled by a Rock-led commando before the lease termination inventory.....
vasamatvijenko Posted October 8, 2018 Posted October 8, 2018 Does anyone know what's happening here ... Two long exclusions in a couple of days ... ??
vasamatvijenko Posted October 8, 2018 Posted October 8, 2018 14 minutes ago, nicsjom said: Prisustvo vidljive kamere u prostorijama stan se može tumačiti kao koristiti za snimanje video zapisa ili u porno filmovima. Stanodavac ne može legalno dozvoliti kamere u svom stanu i moraju upozoriti policiju, koja će iskoristiti kamere i napunite stanodavca i stanara. Ako ruski pornografski proizvodnja je vrlo važno, da budu uhvaćeni može biti vrlo skupo. To je razlog zašto menadžeri tražiti od stanara da sakrije kamere izbjegli oduzimanje. Aranžmani su sigurno napravili između menadžera i vlasnika Primjeri kamera rastavljeni ili sakriven pred posjetu stanodavca može se naći u VHTv arhivima, posebno za stanove upravlja Aleks i Lina. Za Anna i Alex je jedan od posljednjih stan u kojem su kamere skrivene u hitnosti je prvi stan od Lisa i Chloe u poseti ostao ispred kamere postavljen na TV ekranu tokom posjete stanodavca. Je kamere u prvom stanu Anastasia bile su katastrofalno rastaviti od Rock-vodio komandosa prije prestanka zakupa inventar ..... The cameras are in the same place, even the camera angles are the same ... Still I think that something else is ...
vasamatvijenko Posted October 8, 2018 Posted October 8, 2018 Repairs in the apartment ... Has the bed been done in the living room ...?
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