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6 hours ago, nicsjom said:

Misty went aloneΒ Β  and she is crying because the life that she has now with Kyle is worst than when they were in VH tv


6 hours ago, vasamatvijenko said:

... sad, but she herself chose ...

It's true that people make a lot of bad/wrong choices in life. If they
later realize it wasn't the right choice for them, they may choose to
change that decision. If you think about it, there really is no such
thing as losing in life. There is only winning or learning. If you win,
well, of course, that's good for you, but if you learn, some might say
that's even better.

I really like Misty and I hope, if Kyle wasn't the best choice for her,
that she can learn from it and make a better choice for her life.

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